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Small obsessions ♥



  • OHYMYGOD HANDS OFF <span style="font-size:200">PEETA'S MINE!!!!!</span>
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Do you mean PETA? <span style="font-size:50">(People eating tasty animals heheheheheh)</span> Im confused xD
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • No.. Peeta is a character from the book Hunger Games. o.o<br><br>PETA is:<br><br>Pet<br>Elimination<br>Team of<br>America<br><br>XDD And I'm am completely 100% with all my heart <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="text-decoration:underline">against</span></span></span> them, all they are, and whatever they do be it good or bad. They're still horrible people in my eyes. >.>
  • Lol ohhh ok xD<br>My friend who rescues horses hates um too so you know their bad when... lol!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Small obsession? Pfft. No such thing. LARGE obsession is VP. Every free second of every day of my life I can be found staring blankly at the computer, of with my nose buried in my iPod. Car rides? Not a problem. IPhone! Can't find me? Look on the computer first. <br><br>Other obsessions include horse racing (ask me anything, I'll probably have an answer), The book <span style="font-style:italic">Cracker! The Best Dog In Vietnam</span> and Dogs, oh I love dogs.
  • Lol, Frosty, you are great XD
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Ooh, I looked Cracker! up and it sounds awesome.<br><br>Perfect book for Frosty:<br>German Shepherds. War. XDDD
  • It was! You should so read it!<br><br>Yeah.. About that.. XD
  • My favorite dog books (that I've read in the past 3 or 4 years):<br><br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">Windsong -unhappy ending, other than that I love, because I can relate to the main character<br>A Dog's Life -book from a stray dog's POV<br>A Dog's Purpose -made me cry)<br>The Art Of Racing In The Rain -very mature book)<br><br></ul><br><br>Can't remember the other few! D:
  • Ohh and I have an obsession with RPGing! LOL<br>Anyone wanna help me make one where you can rpg people, dogs, cats AND horses? Lol, cause everyone likes different things so they are kinda like some people rpg cause they like the things and the other people dont like what the rps are about, cause most of the rpgs, have you noticed?, if one person does one on say wolves another person does another one on wolves and so its mainly always the same subject. Lol <br>/end rant xD
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Yeah, it frustrates me when people see a subject/plot they like and completely copy it. I don't have that big of a problem with it except the original always dies when all of the new ones come out.<br>I just hopes ShadowsMist doesn't die like PvsM or PPvsSS. ):
  • I know :/ <br>thats why I was thinking that I might shut down one of my 2 horse ones after awhile cause not many people will actually rp with horses for some reason :/ Or maybe its just cause its not a racing rpg,huh Frosty? LOL.<br>Hey fin, you should get on chat :P
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • oh oh oh!<br>I have a small obsession...<br>BIG TIME RUSH<3
  • i might get some of thoes books on my nook... I LOVE a Dogs Life tough to!! And a book called Sheep! (its about a border collie lol).<br><br><br><br><span style="font-size:200"><span style="color:#FF0000">PEETA IS MINE!!! I WILL MOVE TO AUSTRAILIA SO I CAN SEE THE MOVIE FIRST!! SO HAHA HA</span></span>
  • ):<br><br>I love Sheep too. ;D I read it in like an hour. o.o
  • Lol, where do you get your books from? It sounds like you love to read XD We should start a VP book club!
  • I loved A Dog's Life, read it 3 times. It made me cry the first time. I'm still trying to track down a copy of A Dog's Purpose, and The Art Of Racing In The Rain didn't interest me. <br><br>Sheep is a book that I almost read..
  • edited August 2011
    Frost- I got mine at Target. o.o<br><br>Library. We drive half an hour for this huge amazing library I freaking <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="text-decoration:underline">love.</span></span></span> And you're right, I do love to read!<br><br>We should! I was actually thinking about that earlier. ;D
  • I could've got mine at the bookstore, but the library does this thing where they have books from other libraries in the area shipped to that library. It's free, too!
  • Our library has that to and i think that ate our library you can rent books on your nook to...<br><br>Would anyone do a book club with me? We could ether like read a book every week/month or even jusat suggest books for others to read. I think it would be a good way to get more people into reading books :)
  • Do you think it should be run like a regular book club or just book suggestions?
  • Read this book that a VPian ( <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 078&view=2</a> ) i love it!! <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; lol, ANOTHER obsession!
  • I would join. <.> <br>I think it should be where we post what books weve read and also book suggestions and have book games, like the ABC game with book genres, like horses lets say, then you have to come up with a book for every letter of the alphabet that has to do with horse. Or you could do it like uhh *forgets name of the game and slams head against wall* idk, but its where you have a list that you have one letter and a whole bunch of things that you have to come up with for that letter, that would be cool to do, then if you have the same book as someone else, its out. :P
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • I was thinking you could list different categories. It would work like this:<br>You can post to suggest a great book you read and what it's about. Like if I was to suggest A Dog's Life I'd write:<br>A Dog's Life by Ann M. Martin (dogs)<br>Or maybe Warriors :<br>The Warriors Series by Erin Hunter (cats)<br><br>Etc. No games or anything, that's going a little overboard. Maybe each month a random book could be chosen for book club. For each category, all books are in alphabetical order for easy finding.<br><br>That's my idea! ^^<br><br>Or to add to the fun you could get points for finishing a book and win stuff that's donated. Only if there are people to donate. If not it's clearly not an option.
  • Finny wrote:
    I was thinking you could list different categories. It would work like this:<br>You can post to suggest a great book you read and what it's about. Like if I was to suggest A Dog's Life I'd write:<br>A Dog's Life by Ann M. Martin (dogs)<br>Or maybe Warriors :<br>The Warriors Series by Erin Hunter (cats)<br><br>Etc. No games or anything, that's going a little overboard. Maybe each month a random book could be chosen for book club. For each category, all books are in alphabetical order for easy finding.<br><br>That's my idea! ^^<br><br>Or to add to the fun you could get points for finishing a book and win stuff that's donated. Only if there are people to donate. If not it's clearly not an option.
    <br>I like that!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • I love Finnys idea! We could have like a small test at the end to make sure they really read the book. Plus we could suggest differnt ways to obtain books to read.
  • Finny wrote:
    My favorite dog books (that I've read in the past 3 or 4 years):<br><br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">A Dog's Life -book from a stray dog's POV<br>A Dog's Purpose -made me cry)<br>The Art Of Racing In The Rain -very mature book)<br><br></ul><br><br>Can't remember the other few! D:
    <br><br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#8080FF">I was just looking through..and I must say these are my three favorite books. Maybe. </span></span>
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