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Showing Motivation

edited August 2011 in Vent
I want to show, yet I cant find the motivation to start showing my VP dogs. :x What do you guys do to get into the "Showing mood"? I love it once I start but I have to start, thats the thing. ;D
I <3 Keith Urban!


  • <span style="color:#8080FF"><span style="font-size:85">You enter billions of dogs. xD And you make alot of monies. Haha. Of course properly trained, and 100 in handling aswell. It's fun when you get into it, but other times it's a pain. ^^</span></span>
  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">Mine is, I made it to top 5. . . Thats what I wanted.<br>I've spent so much time and energy on vp. . . I want it to where when I leave, I'll have something left behind for everyone to remember.<br>That name up there isn't going away unless 45 people bump me off.<br>It could happen but it'd take a while lol<br><br>But still, and I've said this before, Zag is my hero/greatest competition. I'm so determined to be number 1 at least once lol XD</span></span>
  • LOL, I was trying to get into the boards but then I just quit XD<br>Im thinking that basically all I came back for is friends so I dont HAVE to show, its just something to do when Im bored, thats what I keep telling myself, so then I dont show. ;P
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">I don't really board anymore. I'm all about breeding birth stats and dogs to their highest potential now.<br>Of course, if I have a nicely stated A&C dog, I don't mind showing it of course XD<br>But I'm not big into buying them anymore hahaha</span></span>
  • Sometimes I find myself so into trying to breed the best dog or a certain event that I forget I am showing at all. Like all the great high birth strength Danes I have bred, yet I rarely show them, because I keep convincing myself that I will show them when I get to that "next level". I'm a little crazy haha
    Training Kennel Boarding Kennel Breeding Kennel Rescue/Collection Kennel
    Read about and Participate in the VP Awards here please xD
  • brutis355 wrote:
    Sometimes I find myself so into trying to breed the best dog or a certain event that I forget I am showing at all. Like all the great high birth strength Danes I have bred, yet I rarely show them, because I keep convincing myself that I will show them when I get to that "next level". I'm a little crazy haha
    <br><br>Exactly the same with my Greyhounds!<br><br>/hijack
  • Mine is my army of awesome studs. I collect 10x4 international studs and make QUITE a lot of money off them, but theyre only dog i trained and have completely shown myself. I dont even remember how MANY internationals i have anymore. I know i have a couple of 10x4 international PAIRS and ive got some puppies from said pairs rotting away for future reference xD I haent been showing much lately though because my internet is jacked up and because i just dont have any dogs im stocked about comin up as studs. Ive already got 2 aussies and 3 borders and thats all i have showing right now x.X
  • Lol nice, thats like me and this trainoff me and Celia are having, I keep adopting dogs for doing the 200/280 cause I was running out and its a good way to get good dogs, Il probably have a huge auction after it lol, I even got 3 imports from rescuing them :P
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • brutis355 wrote:
    Sometimes I find myself so into trying to breed the best dog or a certain event that I forget I am showing at all. Like all the great high birth strength Danes I have bred, yet I rarely show them, because I keep convincing myself that I will show them when I get to that "next level". I'm a little crazy haha
    <br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">Exactly the same thing with my border collies XD haha I know how you feel. Its always that extra step that you believe you'll reach soon.</span></span>
  • I'm just in it for the money. :shock: <br><br>Nah. I've got so many dogs that I didn't even know I had. I'll show them a bit, and forget they exsist again. Anyway. I reward myself. If I show my dogs, I can buy myself a dog I've wanted for a while or something. It actually works.
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