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Renting out Training Kennel

<span style="font-size:85">I'm not sure if this is exactly where this goes because I'm not "selling" anything but I am renting out a training kennel. It has 100 in training. I know this is generally frowned upon which is why I'm only renting it to someone very trustworthy. <br><br>So, rules:<br><br>-No stealing any dogs/money<br>-No changing anything about the kennel (password, kennel type, etc)<br>Basically, any rules you've seen about this before. <br><br>If you are interested in this, please PM me and we will discuss further. :3 However, you <span style="font-weight:bold">MUST</span> have experience training before. <br><br>So, pm me the following:<br><br>In-Game name:<br>Trained Before?<br>Examples:<br>Refs [at least 5]:<br>Other:<br><br><br>Any posts here will be ignored, PM me if truly interested [:</span>
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