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Crazy, crazy, crazy, week but he is home!

edited August 2011 in Vent
Ok, so it all started Wednesday (last Wednesday the whatever) when we decided to get my mom a new agility dog because I recently got a new puppy. We went on pet finder and found his brother who we quickly made plans to adopt. Thease to dots were from a puppy mill WAY out in TX but were being fostered about 4 hours from where we live. We went down and picked him up Friday. They seemed to get along and things were going good all night long. Saturday we drove to my Aunts house and this is where the trouble started. Bentley (my baby boy/dog :)) seemed lethargic we thought it was from the travel and we were just going to keep a close eye on him until we got home Sunday night. We went to the beach and my Aunt watch him at the house and then we wnt to a sea food festival. We took Bentley and left Beamer (moms new dog) at home in a crate. He was fine and we continued to check on him frequently. When we were all done and coming back to go home we noticed that he had thrown up treats that he ate the night before. He pucker like four times in my wonderful Aunts car on the way to the emergency vet. They tested for parvovirus (parvo), blockages, when their intestines become like and acrdian and like bunch up, liver shunts, distemper (waiting for results), and just tons of things and they could not find out what is wrong. But the first day we were very worried when we had to leave him there, tue second day he got a little better, the third day (we stayed an extra day) we were told he had spiked a fever of 107 and was basicly on his death bed, in the afternoon he scarfed his food like a pig, had no fever, and was waging and giving kisses leaving everyone thinking how that little bugger do that! He continued to progress and get better but his white blood cell count is low. They desided the best place for him was at home with out and sick dogs but he isn't able to see any of are dogs and is confined to the front yard, my room, and my bathroom. So we drve 3 hours there and 3 hours hack getting lost two or three times and almost crashed because it's poring rain -.- . I'm so happy to have him back though! He might be dead now if the place we had take-in him to wasn't so spectacular. He was isolated from other dogs because he is so young, anyone gaining in needed to wear a robe and rubber gloves and every prcatioj they could take they did.<br><br><br>Now that he is home though he is on special food, has two different medicines, needs special food, if he doesn't eat we need to force feed him with a syringe thats the size of a banana fir food, he has a faint lymph nomb (sp?) the size of a golf ball, needs his temp takin twice a day, but other then peeing in my bead and managing to get it on all three covers he is doing really good! He will need lots of T.L.C that he will deffinatly get though. But now im super tired and cookies are going to rain down on you if you read this whole thing :). So that was my very exciting, sad, exhausting week and now I have camp in the morning. <br><br>Also I must add that the other dog we just got might have kennel cough so we are kinda wondering whats going on at her rescue place :/ (they are brothers from the same litter and rescuer)


  • Wow I am glad your dog is ok. I would have ben freaking OUT!
  • Wow, Im glad hes okay! What kind of dog is he?
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • I was and still am freaking out! We were trying to pass time by going to the beach and when we heard he was basically on his death bed me and my mom just started bawling on the side walk. Trust me I have been to he'll and over a few times because of this. He is a 13 week old Border Collie male that we just adopted, he was a litter that was born I'm foster care to a puppy mill/ hoarder person.<br><br><br>If you guys would like an update: he is doing better, scarfing his food, his temp is good, he can't go near our dogs or any other dogs, he hasn't vomited but he has like soft poo but it's not diarrhea and this is from the special food, and we are hot packing his lymph nobb (sp?). The grand total of the vet bill was like 21 hundread -.- that doesn't include gas to bring him back ether so we payed a pretty penny but he is worth it because I love him so much. All the vet techs said they were glad to see him better but were going to miss him, the vet even went in to work whith him when she wasn't assigned to be in that area of the office so every one who meets him falls in love. His brother we might think has kennel cough so we might find some one to just check out the place she has at her house, we no she is doing the best she can but she is getting old and an a little crazy... But anyways he is doing great and wenare glad! Hope fully his appointment on Friday will say everything is good and that he will be perfectly fine really soon.
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