I don't know if anyone noticed that I was gone for awhile because I don't post much in the first place. <br><br>My laptop broke as I was needing to sign up for college classes so I had to take $593 out of my sad excuse of a savings to purchase a new one. So that computer took awhile to come here.<br><br>Anyways.<br><br>I will do this in list form so it's easier to read. I dont know about you guys but I skip over long paragraphs in vent.<br><br>I was in and out of the doctors and hospital quite a few times. This all happened in under a month (in this order):<br>-Week of migraines (first time I ever had them)<br>-Cysts<br>-Infection (it was very painful)<br>-Fracture to my foot<br>-Tonsillitis<br>*right when I was being cured of one thing, I'd get something new. Now Im usually never sick so this was crazy for me
<br><br><br>Second: <br>I went down to Florida with my mom, sister, and two grandparents for my closest cousin's wedding.<br><br>My grandfather almost bled out in front of me.<br><br>He takes a medication that makes his skin very thin and prone to easily get injured. We were leaving the church he hit his leg on the car door. His leg swells and is blue/green and roughly the size of a football on his calf.<br><br>My cousin's wife has someone in her family that's an EMT and they got him to come up from the reception to help. He cut my grandpas pant leg open and a few moments later the skin broke and blood splattered out.<br><br>All this happened with my little sister, mom, uncle, aunt, and a few other family members nearby.<br><br>The ambulance had issues getting there because we were in the country and they weren't familiar with the roads.<br><br>My cousin's wife has a mom thats a trauma nurse and she joined in to help.<br><br>My grandpa was very pale and when the ambulance came, his blood pressure was 23 over 0. He was awake the whole time to the hospital and was then life flighted to another hospital. <br><br>I told my mom to go with him and I stayed at the church and used my aunt's car to drive to the reception. When the reception was over, I followed my cousin and his wife to the hospital in my aunt's car. <br><br>In the end they got my grandpa stable with blood pressure but now he was having issues with his lungs since he is in remission from lung cancer. My grandparents stayed in Florida while my sister, my mom, and I flew back here. Once m grandpa is able to travel, he will need skin grafts on his leg.<br><br>He was very very close to dying that day.<br><br><br>Lastly,<br>My mom had lost another job because the men couldn't stand a woman being successful. There was proof of this. When she was laid off, the company asked her to sign a release form saying she wouldn't sue them.<br><br>We are going down in money and my mom has to cash out the last of her savings.<br><br>*sighs* Everyone always fights now in my family because of all the pressure. My sister also creates a ton of problems. I got told by my mom "I can't wait to get rid of you guys". She means when my sister and I leave to spend time at my dads. I can't take it out on her because it is difficult being in debt and I know it's the stress but we've been having issues for over a year now. <br><br>Anyways, I just needed it out.
My Art Thread: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=74346
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
My Art Thread: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=74346