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I just have to get this off my chest..

edited August 2011 in Vent
My stepdad.. I've known him since I was 3 and moved in with him and my mom when I was almost 5. Never knew my real dad. Well, my stepdad treats me like dirt. He has no account for my feelings. Constant criticism. It's my fault when his tomatoes are getting eaten because "I should've noticed." "I should make more eye contact when talking." "I'm on the computer too much." "I'm so unconscious about my surroundings." He knows damn right well I'll do anything he asks of me happily, but he's mean about it.. He never asks nicely and I'm not happy to do things he asks. Never have I heard a "thank you". Something is always wrong with my work. If my mom asks something of me, I'll run and do it. I'd do anything for her, because she is kind about it. If I do something wrong. She doesn't get all huffy and upset, she shows me how I should do it the next time. He knows my mom will stand up for me if he starts criticizing while she's in the room. If she stands up for me, they get into a huge fight because he claims "I'm just trying to help her succeed in life." By hurting my feelings to the point of tears? I don't think so. Every Saturday my mom works and my stepdad is home. Saturday is a work day for me. I do whatever stupid jobs come to mind. Tonight, he asked me to do the dishes. I wouldn't mind, but I've already done the dishes today and while asking me he out in a "I know your mom wouldn't ask you to do it, so I did." Now, my mom asks me to do anything she can't do. She WANTS to do the dishes.. Because she had some special way.


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