<span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">So, I went out front to grab the dog food out of my truck that I had forgotten to bring in.<br>For those of you who don't know, its REALLY hot where I live. Right now its 113 F degrees out side.<br>I wasn't thinking. I stepped outside on the cement, bare foot. Bad idea. . . I screamed and scrambled and guess<br>where my idiot self ran too without thinking? -_-<br><br>The street where my truck is parked. OHHHH!!!!! did it hurt. . . I jumped up on my truck and hung on. . . Of course my truck<br>was hot but at the moment, my feet were dieing.<br><br><br><br>To end the story short, my feet are burned. They hurt. I hate the heat. Stupid self. . . *sigh*</span></span>
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t