Bleh, I got a sunburn at the concert I went to a few days ago... I haven't had one in years, and I forgot how much they can hurt. It's been 3 days, and it's mostly better now, but my face is peeling and I have blisters on my shoulders... I suppose I should have known 12 hours in the sun with no sunblock would do it, but I've gone that long in the sun before without sunburn, and nothing.... evil medicine that made me super-photosensitive this year, I curse you! XD<br><br>On the bright side, I got to see a few of my favorite bands (Bayside, how I love thee) and I was on the rail for Stone Temple Pilots, right next to where Scott Weiland climbed the rigging for the lights in the middle of a song(I got pictures! They're blurry, but still XD)
I Keith Urban!