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Stolen Pix

have you ever felt like people could steal your pics from like tinypic and photobucket if you upload them? I do lol. I dont wanna put any pics of my own on there cause i feel like someone will steal them lol. randomness! hahaha<br><br><br>Also if you have made a banner for me of Babydoll,C'more,Miley,Skidloader,etc that I gave you my pics for can you give it to me then delete it off all of those sites/whatever its on...insecure much? LOL
I <3 Keith Urban!


  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">You can make a DA account and upload your pics but have DA put a water mark on them.<br>I do that.</span></span>
  • You can also put them on tinypic and have them be safe unless someone can login on your account. In settings they have an option for it to be private or accessible for anyone. Any img/picture links you post will show up, but any urls (like; from the page) will not. It's what I normally use.(:
  • I constantly worry about my stuff being stolen, mainly because it's happened before. My brother is a mobile app developer and his apps have been stolen/put up for illegal download on other websites. It's something that bothers the heck out of me. I have yet to issue a take down notice, but my brother has multiple times for the stolen applications.<br><br>So what you can do, if you find your stuff someplace where it shouldn't be, is issue a DMCA take down notice. You can also flood the thief (or thieves) with cease and desist letters, though most people don't take them seriously. People can and do sue for stolen works. It's not always possible, especially if you're under 18 or don't have the money to pursue the issue. Artwork, photos, essays, website content, etc. is all under full copyright <span style="font-style:italic">unless</span> the <span style="font-style:italic">creator</span> states otherwise. Just in general, assume everything on the internet is copyrighted, and only believe otherwise if you can find written proof somewhere that states it's not.<br><br>A DMCA take down notice usually resolves the issue. Most providers will comply with polite requests, if they understand what you're asking. If you're going to write a DMCA take down notice, you need to write well and have a well formed letter. Sometimes you get the jerks that don't want to cooperate, and in this case you will just flood them with DMCA take down notices, eventually giving a heads up that you will contact the authorities. <br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">This</a> is actually a pretty nice explanation of the DMCA take down notices, what it should look like, how to send one, etc. :)<br><br>Sad that you even have to consider options like those, but those are some of the things you can do. It doesn't stop it, but then nothing does. Watermarks can be removed if you know what you're doing. :P
    On an indefinite hiatus.
  • I see. Thanks for the info guys!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Ya know, I feel the same way about some of my quotes I come up with and if I name a dog after my friends horse (is weird but still lol.)
    I <3 Keith Urban!
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