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I Don't Even Know What the Title Should Be.

edited July 2011 in Vent
Okay let's start this like this:<br><br>My ag teacher asked if I could house sit for her, and I accepted. (After talking to my mother of course)<br>The requirements were to be there in the morning and all night. So just sleeping over. No big deal.<br><br>I talked to my mom about this. She said it was okay.<br><br>Then came the first day of house sitting. I went there in the morning first thing, then returned around 5pm, along with the stuff I needed to stay the night.<br>At about 8pm I got a call from my mom SCREAMING at me to get my butt home. Because according to her we had had a talk about "staying home alone at other people's houses.." And then she told me "She never agreed to me doing this"<br><br>I told her several times and wrote it on all the calendars in the house.<br>This isn't even the first time she's done this to me.. She just never remembers..<br>She thinks that an ag teacher wouldn't ask a teenager to do this, and that I'm trying to hide something. I'm not.<br>My friend also did the same thing for the same teacher last year, and my mother does not believe that.<br><br>I get home and she chews me out and tells me to give her my phone and begins trying to read the texts aloud to me. (Which is the way my mom punishes me, I kinda find it a violation of my privacy, even though there's really nothing to hide on my phone.) She got soooo mad when she found out that there were no messages. I had deleted them all due to a full inbox.<br><br>Now I'm in a ton of trouble for "sneaking out and trying to hide stuff from my mom"... (As my mom calls it...)
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