My other dogs are old and will not do good seperated from me.<br>We have had in-home sitters watch them, we have brought them to other peoples' houses and have also gone the boarding kennel route.<br>Both dogs will quit eating, wont go to the bathroom and "self mutilate". So thats not a good idea.
Why is the neighbor allowed to have 3 dogs and you aren't? If the landlord is requiring you to get rid of one of your dogs, might he not make the same demand of the neighbor?
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
Do you rent from a company? Or is the Landlord the owner of the building?<br><br>If the company owns the rental house I would take it up with them and see what they say, if they say you can have three than have them write or phone your landlord. If the landlord owns the building I would ask why they are changing the rules all of a sudden? Maybe make a deal saying that if your dogs show any reason as to not be there (as in being disruptive, destroying things, not cleaning up after them) then you will find a different home for one of them. Maybe another neighbor complained about you having 3 dogs? As well, look into your municipal laws. I know here you are allowed to own 3 dogs max or 5 cats max. Or you can have a mix of 3 dogs and 2 cats. Puppies under 10 weeks are excluded from this though.
Missing since June 3rd, 2009.
Missing since June 3rd, 2009.
Missing since June 3rd, 2009.
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