No, its a thing you click to get your dog to listen (I guess lol) I havent really researched it because once I get a clicker if I do I will be going through a class thing with my dog.
Pretty well actually. My dog has learned to just do all tricks on command by now. But he still uses the bell to tell me when he has to go outside. Like I have the bell on a string just inside my sliding glass door and he hits it with his paw when he has to go. So I like that alot, its pretty cool haha
I used clicker training with Allie. It worked well for us. The click just basically tells the dog that they did what you wanted them to. Right after you click, you give the treat. Allie figured it out pretty quickly.
Well I used the bell at first to train him the basic, sit, lay, roll over, stay, and a bunch others. But now he just does it all on command. Like if I say "Sit Pretty" he will do that without any bell needed any more. But he still uses it to tell me when he has to go since, even though he is supposed to be this big mean looking American Buldog/Pitbull mix, he is not really a barker at all haha
Well I used the bell at first to train him the basic, sit, lay, roll over, stay, and a bunch others. But now he just does it all on command. Like if I say "Sit Pretty" he will do that without any bell needed any more. But he still uses it to tell me when he has to go since, even though he is supposed to be this big mean looking American Buldog/Pitbull mix, he is not really a barker at all haha
Basically, all clicker training does is replace the praise.<br><br>Here is how I praise Clover.<br><br>"Sit; Yes; Treat"<br><br>Here's how the clicker works.<br><br>"Sit; Click; Treat"<br><br>The click just lets the dog know they did something right and a treat is coming.
Basically, all clicker training does is replace the praise.<br><br>Here is how I praise Clover.<br><br>"Sit; Yes; Treat"<br><br>Here's how the clicker works.<br><br>"Sit; Click; Treat"<br><br>The click just lets the dog know they did something right and a treat is coming.
<br> <br>Yeah until you have your nephew over and he sits with the clicker/bell and keeps ringing/clicking it, lmfao my poor dog was just sitting under my 3 year old nephew waiting for a treat. Sorry, I just had to share that story haha
Ah yes, one of the downfalls. The clicker is attractive to children. <br><br>Also, never use "Okay" as a release word. People say "Okay" all the time and your dog can mistake this as a release
just the typical stuff and a few other things maybe and blue heeler mix.<br>lol oops Il answer patty too,<br>well she already knows sit, i wanna teach her stay,lay down,roll over,(maybe some horse moves as that would be awesome! LOL), sit pretty,etc.
<span style="color:#8080FF"><span style="font-size:85">Clicker training should work for that! I really like it. Other people don't. For some people it's easier to say "Good" or something along those lines, but I much prefer the clicker. I never did use it to teach Allie commands like "Lay, Stay, Sit," ect.. But! You know what it's really good for? Keeping your dog quite! I volunteer at a pet shelter and we use clickers to keep the dogs quite so the guests can view them without being overwhemled. It works like a charm in that situation. I feel like I'm missing something... </span></span>
I just thought I would pop in!<br><br>I am training my puppy with a clicker and it works splendedly! To get the clicker to work though you need to train you dog to no what a clicker means. A clicker isn't this all mighty simbol to dogs that they are born knowing click=food or praise or just a job well done. First you need to have a training session where all you do is click treat click treat click treat until when you click the dog looks for a treat. All a clicker is, is a marker. Clicker training started with dolphins because say you were trying to teach a dolphin to jump into the air, you can't give it a treat when it's in the air. So they marked it with a click. It's the same thing with dogs, if your teaching it to I don't no stay for example you want to mark when you are away from the dog and the dog is staying not the return wich is when they get a treat. Do you get what I am saying?<br><br><br>Clickers are like $1-$2 so they are fairly cheap, but if you have an iPod there is a clicker ap you can get for free.
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I Keith Urban!
Training Kennel Boarding Kennel Breeding Kennel Rescue/Collection Kennel
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I Keith Urban!
Training Kennel Boarding Kennel Breeding Kennel Rescue/Collection Kennel
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I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!
Training Kennel Boarding Kennel Breeding Kennel Rescue/Collection Kennel
Read about and Participate in the VP Awards here please xD
I Keith Urban!
S§A - Kitt's Training Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Breeding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Prestige Kennel
S§A - Kitt's Boarding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Rescue Kennel
Training Kennel Boarding Kennel Breeding Kennel Rescue/Collection Kennel
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S§A - Kitt's Training Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Breeding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Prestige Kennel
S§A - Kitt's Boarding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Rescue Kennel
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!