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edited July 2011 in Questions/Support
When PMs and posts get long enough, I guess it messes up a bit. Like while typing it starts jumping around and you can't see what you're typing. You can only see it for a split second while backspacing before it jumps back to somthing higher up. And this is all per letter/number/symbol typed. It gets really annoying and difficult to adjust anything. It happens with my auctions and so I can't update it without getting annoyed. When trying to highlight, it jumps again so it highlights the wrong stuff and a lot of it. This has been going on for a while. I know the coding can't really be changed with the forums so can this be fixed..?
Do you like my training? Reccommend me here =)
Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~


  • I believe this was discussed once and it's not actually the forums, but your browser that causes it. Maybe try a different browser and see if it still happens?
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
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