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who would do....



  • lol well its about animals,like animal trivias and stuff and it IS on a dog game lol so idk lol....any other suggestions? :P
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • c'mon peeps lol! I wanna start the thing tonight :P
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • lol i cant without a name! :P lol
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Draw from a hat lol
  • we all have to vote lol, well the ones who are online so I can start posting for it lol...<br>okay so...<br><br>C.A.R.E, which would stand for Club for Animal Respect and Education<br>or<br>Animal Impact<br><br>I like them both lol.
    <br>well in a way C.A.R.E. is better because we would be learning more about animals? and animal impact is kinda the same? LOL
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • we need one more person to vote then i will reveal my vote lol
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • we will do........Animal Impact...if thats alright? we can always change it, I just need a name to start it off lol.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Questions & My opinion:<br><br>Where and how would the trivia be done?<br>Is It just dogs or all animals?<br><br>We already have animal trivia every Thursday night. To have another trivia all the time would be unnecessary.<br>And like you said, this is a dog site. I think a dog based club project would be great, but all animals would be too.. I don't know.<br><br>o.o So yeah. I know, I'm argumentative and mean. ):
  • Finny wrote:
    Questions & My opinion:<br><br>Where and how would the trivia be done?<br>Is It just dogs or all animals?<br><br>We already have animal trivia every Thursday night. To have another trivia all the time would be unnecessary.<br>And like you said, this is a dog site. I think a dog based club project would be great, but all animals would be too.. I don't know.<br><br>o.o So yeah. I know, I'm argumentative and mean. ):
    <br>LOL, well we probably wouldnt do a trivia for awhile since they are having a summer one, so we would have a different activity.<br>All animals I guess ;)
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • edited July 2011
    <span style="font-size:10">why not dogs? :cry: </span>
  • what ? lol
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Quote it to read.. >:D
  • oh lol. well it will be like 90% dogs because of course this is a dog game lol :P <br>look at the post,what do ya think? what do ya wanna be?
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • I wanna call it AIM but Idk what the m would be for lol. and we need a saying for our group and stuff too :DD
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Hmmmm.. Let's come up with a team name and then see what the acronym would be. If it doesn't spell out a cool word, we could try changing the words around/making them more exciting synonyms, etc. Good plan? Or we could just us Animal Impact.
  • I thought this was gonna be like a general everything photo contest type thing? 0.0 That's how it first started lol where the heck are the trivia's coming from? I thought it was gonna be like a different them every week or so and you had to take one picture that fit that theme and whoever won at the end of the week (by majority votes) would win a prize (ex: free training/vpc/banner) 0.0 that seems more.. iunno.. interesting and it doesn't get in the way of the trivia's going on in chat and stuff. I mean we have PLENTY of people on here interested in photography haha we could have people suggest a theme and stuff as well to give EVERYONE what they want =) thats just my thoughts though :/
  • That's what I thought it was going ti be too.
  • lol, well we will mostly do photo challenges then lol. and sometimes a different thing so we dont get sick of them lol.<br><br>and there will be a theme everyweek and you have to turn in like a certain amount of pics with that theme by the end of the week and they all will be judged seperately?<br>good idea fin :) lets think of somethin.<br>lol<br><br><br>We need chairmen,etc.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • I like that alot better then triva to! For example the theme could be training tools so someone could show a pic of tons of leashs and another person could get a pic of a clicker and so on and so forth...
  • yeah, but you would have to try to get a cool picture with the item lol.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • hm? no it would be a cool picture OF the item
  • lol thats what i meant lol :oops:
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • oh, ok lol! Ya it could be say the clubs name was Purple Picture People ( :mrgreen: ) Then you could have the leashes for the words "Purple Picture People"
  • lol
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • But maybe not just about dogs ya know? maybe like branch out and do others as well! like water, fire, earth, nature, sky, music, dogs, cats, horses, etc lol so that we have a wide variety of themes =D
  • yeah! :)
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • I updated the page, we need to vote on colors for Animal Impacts main colors!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
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