Hey guys
<br><br>I've been invited (aka dobbed in >.>) to do some demonstrations at a big craft exhibition last weekend in July. <br><br>Basically, I'm a member of one of the local Country Women Association (CWA) groups, and this year, the state's creative crafts and home wares exhibition is being held not far from me. The CWA is mostly made up of older ladies (I'm seriously the baby of my group. My Mum would be the next youngest, and she's almost 50
:P), and when it comes to craft, art, cooking and other home wares, you cannot get a more brilliant group. <br><br>Especially in Australia (thanks to Masterchef in particular) CWA is well know for it's baking, and I can tell you from past experience, some of the craft items submitted into this State exhibition are jaw dropping.<br><br>*edit* I should clarify that this exhibition is open to the public, but all the work inside is all CWA<br><br>I've done surprisingly well in the few submissions I've put into previous exhibitions. Trust me, it's been a surprise considering what else was in at the same time o.o<br><br>Anyway, when I was dobbed in, I was under the impression I was only doing some Origami both days. Apparently I'm also doing some beading on one of the days
<br><br>Origami is easy. I've picked a few of the more iconic, and not too difficult pieces which I'll create posters for, and there'll be paper so people can have their own attempts. Also got some books for them to look through. This is not the one I need help on
<br><br>I do need help on what I should do for two hours that I've been nominated to do beading. From what I gather, I don't have to actually set up an activity so to speak. But it's a case of what do I DO for two hours? I've at least played around with many aspects of beading. I can make fashion jewelry (you know it's bad when you walk into a chain store, look at the fashion jewelry and know you can make that
) including earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.<br>I've made beaded flowers.<br>I've made some more complicated jewelry (which I'll never wear xD Too costume-y)<br>I <span style="text-decoration:underline">haven't</span> done bead weaving before, although I've looked at the theory. It's a case of it's been too tricky to attempt in a short period
<br><br>I just need you guys to pretend that if you were going to go to this exhibition, what would you like to see me do?<br><br>Here's what I entered into previous exhibitions to give you an idea:<br><a href="
http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h11/Jellybeanjoe/UFOAlmostDone.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Egyptian like collar necklace</a><br><a href="
http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h11/Jellybeanjoe/IMG_4873.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Three life-size beaded irises</a>