Okay, I had this idea just a little while ago and whipped it up in like five minutes, so suggestions are very welcome. <br><br>I was thinking that maybe we could put females up for 'stud' or more relatedly, brood, just like the males. And you might be saying, "No because the pups would be born in the owner's kennel." but there could be some coding that ages the female in question without turning the owner's kennel. The pups would automatically be 'born' in the other person's kennel, even though the female wasn't leased to it. <br><br>Basically, Player A puts his female dog up for brood for say, 10k. Player B comes along and clicks the button (where on a male dog a "breed with this dog" button would be), selects a male she has in her kennel and the breeding occurs. Player B turns her kennel eight times and some pups are born. Player A's kennel turns are unaffected, any other dogs they have in the kennel are unaffected, but the bitch is 8 weeks older. This is so people can't go and breed to the female from a second account to keep her age the same.<br><br>I don't know how much coding this would take, but with a little revising and such, I think it might work out.
*PM me if I win anything*