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Getting a new dog....

My little sister has a dog, Lucky, and its my dogs sister but my dog behaves horribly with Lucky around but if Lucky or Maggie are seperate Mag is a great dog, and Lucky is not trained at ALL and she does not listen to anyone but SOMETIMES if your lucky, my sister. So were giving her away and getting a different dog cause she is too much for a 8 year old and my other sister, who was supposed to own Lucky (she took it as her "German Shepherd" saying she wouldnt get another dog if she got this one, so she got it and says its hers if someone says something good about her but she says its Beths (my other sister) dog if something needs to be done with her or if someone says (my brother mainly) says she needs trained or something. So even though my dad said we couldnt get any new dogs after these till we moved out my dad is letting Beth get a different dog if she gives Lucky away but Melinda cant get another dog until she moves out. :twisted: Anyways lol, Beth says she wants a Golden Lab or a Golden Retriever so I looked them up and I found one were leaning towards, but they didnt list a phone number so I had to email them about her. (I think this is allowed since I dont live in any of the places listed (Omaha or Iowa) tell me if its not allowed.) Here is the pictures of here on this post... <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
I <3 Keith Urban!


  • Awwww!!!!!!!!! She's very pretty/adorable/cute
  • Get upset with me if you will, but in my opinion you should actually attempt to train the dog you have before tossing it out and getting a new one... That is something I'm just not ok with. If you can afford a new dog, you could afford an obedience class for the one you have. It sickens me to see dogs in shelters or put down because they have issues, when really the ones with issues are the people who think an animal is just a piece of property to do whatever you want with.
  • Trianna wrote:
    Get upset with me if you will, but in my opinion you should actually attempt to train the dog you have before tossing it out and getting a new one... That is something I'm just not ok with. If you can afford a new dog, you could afford an obedience class for the one you have. It sickens me to see dogs in shelters or put down because they have issues, when really the ones with issues are the people who think an animal is just a piece of property to do whatever you want with.
    <br><br>I'm sorry, Myst.. But I have to agree with Trianna. Dogs aren't like.. say, an iPod.. If an iPod is broken, most of the time it can't be fixed and you get rid of it. So, then you run out and buy a new one. Dogs, on the other hand, can be "fixed" or trained.. You can't just get rid of them. Give her a chance, she might turn out to be great once she is trained!
  • I would but I cant, I have my own dog to train and no one else has time or WILL do it. And a 8 year old girl cant do everything to get a dog trained. We are going for a trained one. Were not "tossing her out" we simply dont/cant train her so were getting one who IS trained. <br>Yup yup Rockie :D
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Who are you giving her to?
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Not sure yet but our friend wants a dog and he LOVEs her! LOL.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • If you can't take care of the animal you currently have, don't get rid of it to get another. You can't just get a dog that has some basic training already done, and say "yep, it's done, so no worries for us"... training has to be kept up on, for the entire life of the animal. As for the one you have now, while it may be your little sisters dog, it's still your parents job to make sure it's properly trained and cared for. As I said before, it's not that hard to get a dog into an obedience class, a lot of places offer them for a very low fee. If "no one else has time" to train it, then yes, rehoming it might be a good solution, <span style="font-style:italic">but</span> <span style="font-weight:bold">don't get another</span>! If you don't have time to properly care for a pet, you don't need to have that pet, end of story.
  • First of all my mom has a disease and is in a different state having her mom take care of her and my dad works a full time job and my brother has 2 jobs and my sister is always busy and so am I and my other 2 sisters cant/wont train the dog. We know how to care for a dog...this dog is not the type of dog that is good for us so we are getting one that would work well for our family.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • What if the new dog doesn't work out?? A golden is a very good family dog, but it only is when PROPERLY trained, every dog needs proper training, every family that gets a dog needs to have the TIME to train the dog, no matter what. A family with no time shouldn't get an animal, especially a dog. I hope someone will have the time to keep up with this new dog, she may know tricks, but you don't know her just yet and she might not be best for your family, I hope she isn't given up like your dog now. For any animal, especially a dog that can have a deep bond and connection with the people she is raised with, switching homes and being given up on just like that can be an extremely traumatic experience. Dogs are likely to go into depressions and often stop eating, causing sickness of course. I don't think this is the best choice, but I wish you luck.
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just trying to say that if you don't have the time for the one you have now, for whatever reasons, and your sisters can't/won't take care of the animal they have now, what exactly is the point in getting another, other than just wanting one? If everyone else is too busy, and you have your hands full with your dog, then another animal really isn't the best choice. A different dog isn't going to need any less attention than the current one, and if it's not taken care of then it's going to turn out the same way. I wasn't saying your family is wrong for not being able to take care of the current dog, it happens, but choosing to get an another animal means choosing to make a commitment to it's health and well being, and if the people who are supposed to be caring for it can't do that then it's best not to get it in the first place. <br><br>If nobody has the time/wants to train the dog they have now, then who's going to have the time/want to take the new dog for it's daily walk? give it a bath? keep up with it's training? play with it? socialize it properly? etc.... To me, 8 seems to be a little young to be asked to take full responsibility for a dog, anyway.<br><br>Personally, my suggestion would be to rehome the dog that isn't being cared for, and not get another quite yet. If you have time and are willing to take care of your dog, great! Maybe being a one dog household for now is best for your family. It's not like your sisters will be missing out on not having a pet, there would still be your dog to love and play with. When they get a bit older, and can handle a bit more responsibility, then maybe get another.
  • First of all my mom has a disease and is in a different state having her mom take care of her and my dad works a full time job and my brother has 2 jobs and my sister is always busy and so am I and my other 2 sisters cant/wont train the dog. We know how to care for a dog...this dog is not the type of dog that is good for us so we are getting one that would work well for our family.
    <br><br>I'm with Trianna on this too, you just said your family has no time to spend with the dog?<br>Don't get another one than.. as all dogs need time spent with them..<br><br>I don't see the reason for not been able to train the dog? you guys walk them don't you? when I walk my dog I always use that time to train her,<br>even if its getting her to sit to wait to cross the road.. and look? my work has paid off... she will sit when asked now.<br><br>Don't take it in a bad way but whats the point if you have no time for one?
    656 Gifties
  • I have to fully agree with everyone who's said to train your current one, not try and replace her. Also, who leaves children at home with two untrained dogs? >< It is NOT difficult to train a dog, contrary to popular beliefs, ESPECIALLY a herding breed like a German Shepherd. My dog's a GSD mix, and I trained her on ACCIDENT. Labs will NOT be easier than GSDs. Sorry, but they won't. This will end up turning into a vicious cycle "This dog won't work, let's get a new one." "Oh, this one doesn't work either, replace it!" "Okay, this one isn't PERFECT, let's get rid of it and get another one." I understand you have a dog to train already, but is it so hard to handle them both? You've got to be the bigger person here. If you sister won't take care of the dog, it's up to who ever else is in the household to do it. Don't let the animal suffer because you feel the dog's not your responsibility. A dog is the responsibility of EVERYone in the house. Same thing for cats, mice, gerbils, hamsters, birds... babies? "Oh, that's not MY baby. I'm not going to pay attention to it." Iono, it just seems... wrong.<br><br>Also, a dog may know commands, but who's to say they'll listen to you? You also have to keep her up on things, you STILL have to work on her training, or she'll just stop caring about those commands. This isn't Nintendogs, a dog won't retain a list of commands if you stop working with them. Eight is really young for full responsibility. I didn't get my 'own' dog until I was eighteen, and out of my parent's house. >_>;
  • Okay, yes, we should train the dog, but it wasnt my choice if we get rid of the dog or not!!! I had NO say in it or I would say I would try to train her! I trained my dog on walks too,yes, but I dont have all that much time to take 2 dogs on seperate walks so I can work with them each on their own! I did not choose the breed we MIGHT get, that too was not my choice!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Have you tried talking to your father about it?
  • Yes,Ive tried but its more my college age sister that wont let things go if she doesnt like something, but if the person whos coming today isnt a good match Im gonna talk to him more about it. Sorry for getting mad at you before I was just frusterated.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
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