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Fussy baby >

edited July 2011 in Vent
Ugh so the past few nights I have been without sleep because my 1month old daughter has been constipated. *sigh* I'm super tired but nothing seems to work. The only time she sleeps is if I'm holding her and if I put her down to just go get a drink she screams and cries. I'm having to hold her as I type this which is very difficult.


  • I know how you feel... my daughter is 15 months, and she's still like that sometimes. Have you tried swaddling her and putting her in an infant swing? That worked for Marley sometimes.
  • well i've swaddled her but i dont have a baby swing
  • we had one like <a href=",or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1236&bih=589&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=6559566697289901334&sa=X&ei=NgIYTv6sM8nUgQflu6kN&ved=0CJgBEPMCMAk"; target="_blank" class="bb-url">this</a> and it worked really well. They recline back, and hold the baby just snugly enough. We'd get Marley to sleep then put her in there and turn it on, and most of the time she didn't even notice we put her down. XD As for the constipation, have you asked her pediatrician what you can do about it? If it's causing her that much discomfort they should have a few recommendations.
  • We may have to buy her one of those. And they gave me some pills to put you know where and so now just waiting for it to kick in
  • I'm sorry, for you and your baby. Singing to Emma generally works for me when she refuses to be put down, swaddling does do miracles though. We also have a swing for her, but she wont sleep in it, she just goes into a fit of giggles and refuses to stay still. Hopefully the medicine works, I've never had the problem before but I wish you luck, I know how hard it is to see your child in pain. Just continue to comfort her, that's all Emma ever really wants when she's feeling bad anyway. : )
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • I absolutely love babies (under 12 months) but it sure can be frustrating when one isn't feeling well and needs/wants that closeness for a long period of time. Micky was afraid to go poop and would hold it in until she just couldn't and she would be so miserable. Sometimes, a nice warm bath, then snuggled in Momma's arms would help relax her and get things moving. Body massages worked well when my oldest was a baby and she was upset.<br><br>Usually, the first 2 or 3 months is pretty sleepless for moms because babies really do need your comfort and don't sleep for long periods of time. When baby sleeps, you sleep, even if it's in a most uncomfortable position and 4 in the afternoon. Don't worry about anything else and try to keep in mind, it won't last forever, probably not even that long in the scheme of things. Try to enjoy the time thinking once she's out of it, the times she wants to be close to you will dwindle until she's too big to even sit in your lap and you'll wish she was tiny all over again.<br><br>It's gotta be hard for them. Their entire first 10 months of life hearing your heartbeat, wrapped up in your warmth, almost constantly rocked by your body motion and the only voice they hear constantly is yours, and then bombarded with noises, scents, sights, touches they don't know, don't understand, deprived of that constant warmth and motion. I think I'd probably want my mom too until I got used to it.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • You guys have been really helpful :) Thank you guys for the support and advice. A warm bath does seem to relax her enough to sleep. I will have to post some pictures of her later
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