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What The Heck?! Oh NO You Didn't!!

edited July 2011 in Vent
<span style="color:#FF0000"><span style="text-decoration:underline">The Story Behind It All:</span><br>Ok well a few weeks ago I come home from my fiance's house and I get the horrible news that my younger sister (lets call her Sunny) had drowned to death and was brought back to life. Well she was in my 19 year old sister's (lets call her Bo-Bo) and Sunny's twin's (lets call her Stormy) care. They were all told by their dad aka my step-dad and my mom aka thier step-mom (who to be exact raised both Sunny and Stormy) NOT to go to the pool if there was not an adult because Sunny has siezures really bad. Well Bo-Bo's boyfriend called and was bringing Stormy's boyfriend (who let me add is like 6 years OLDER than her!! EWWWW!! And no our parents didn't know they were together until now) called and told the girls to meet them at the pool, so guess what!? THEY GO!! Well in the time span that they were there Sunny had a seizure while swimming and the girls didn't notice until the man that saved her pulled her cold, blue, limp body out of the pool!! Sunny was put in ICU for 4 days!!</span><br><br><span style="color:#0040FF"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Problem:</span><br>Well today we are going to a waterpark and my step-dad has the nurve to invite Bo-Bo!! He knows I want NOTHING to do with her!! She isn't even allowed to come to my baby shower, because I have a few choice words for her that I can't say infront of everyone... Plus my cousin isn't to happy with her either, and she isn't afriad to tell Bo-Bo that. So now I'm stuck riding in a car for 3 hours and "getting along" with my sister's almost murderer!!! What's wrong with thins picture!?</span>
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  • You know, parents have honest to goodness accidents with children in pools, they are a dangerous place whether there seizures are involved or not. Nineteen years old is an adult, though not always a mature one. If you feel a need to remove your sister from your life, maybe you shouldn't go to the water park.<br><br>The problem I see with this picture is that you think a grown man should bow to your wishes about his own children and you don't sound the least bit grateful that your sister did come back to life. Concentrate on the good and let the things you can't control go.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I am greatful for her to come back to life. I mean I was the one who went to the hospital and stayed the whole time with her.... Bo-Bo and Stormy had "better" things to do and that is EXACTLY what they said!! I guess going shopping at the mall and going to the movies with boys is more important than thier sister! Because that's what they did! I mena don't get me wrong they are all my sisters, but Bo-Bo has ALWAYS been this way. She only cares about herself and this is like the 3rd time Sunny has almost died in her care! What's up with that!?
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  • If your younger sister has almost died 3 times in her care and your sister's parents aren't concerned about it, then perhaps you shouldn't be either. Or if you are, perhaps you should report your sister as well as your parents to child protective services. Throwing a fit over it doesn't do much except make you look bad to everyone else.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Well I don't tell them this that is why I vented about it. And I don't need your outside opinons about it. I don't mean to sound rude but it is none of your concern, and anyways why are you sitting here critcizing me on my post if your not going to do it to everyone else? I mean really?! I know your an OP and all, but you don't know what it's like to be in this perdicament and I'm sorry unless you have been in this situation then you have NO idea how it feels. So yeah.
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  • If you post on a public forum, you open yourself to receive opinions from everyone, positive and negative.<br><br>Just so happens that I'm somewhat of a child advocate and don't like to hear about children being abused, neglected or almost dying. I've probably posted on every thread where children are brought up and I'm sure some of what I said probably wasn't what the OP wanted to hear. <br><br>If you are certain there is child neglect or abuse going on, report it. Otherwise, don't come around me and expect to get commiseration or sympathy by sensationalizing a child in danger and doing nothing about it.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • There is no abuse going on at my house. Trust me Stormy would have blown it all out of the water if she was... You have learned that seeing that Stormy was the one who cursed at you for commenting on her backgound. She is like that all the time lolz.<br>I didn't mean to sound rude and if you would have just said it was about that I would understand, but I just don't want to seem like I'm the bad person in this when they weren't even in my care. I am agenst Bo-Bo having the girls completely and so is my mom... It's mostly my step-dad who just wants them to see each other. Everyone else is honestly agenst it. I'm just upset over the fact that me and Bo-Bo don't (and never have) gotten along and she just shows up at my house that she isn't even supposed to be at per my Grandma who owns the house. It's just errrrrrrrrrg! But oh wells... She is taking her car and I can stay away from her at the water park anyways.
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