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edited July 2011 in Vent
I just want to get this off my chest. I'm not giving all the details because there are a lot and I can't think of them all in one sitting. <br>And yes, I know this is childish drama. But this is what happened. Here goes. <br><br>SO, in the biginning, a few years ago. There were four of us. We did pretty much everything together. I'll call them A, B, and C. And A had a way about her, hard to explain. But when she made a descion, she stuck to it. Or if she didn't want to do something. She didn't do it. <br>For example, we had plans one night. And me and C go up to A and B. A and B tell us that they don't want to do what we had planned, and they planned for us to do something else. I <span style="font-style:italic">know</span> it was A. <br>Okay, we changed plans. Whatever. It got kind of frustrating sometimes.<br>Then two years later. A and B got in a devastating fight. Mostly B's fault. There was a lot of backstabbing involved. <br>C and I were told we didn't have to pick sides. HAHA. We had to pick sides. If C and I talked to A. B would ignore us. I mean seriously? How immature can you get? <br>So, eventually, it ended up, A, C, and I are now really close. And we no longer talk to B. B has turned into a person that I would not want to be around.<br>Us three, we hang out a lot. Along with two of our really close guy friends. So, we had planned a whole day tomorrow. I texted A to ask her what time I should come over. (She lives a few houses down. So it's easy to walk there) She said 4 or 5. <br>That's not what we had planned<br>So, I asked what happened to the day we planned.<br>Apparently, A and C planned what they wanted to do. They knew that I wanted to go to the fourth of July carnival our highschool does every year. And watch the fireworks and ride rides. That kind of stuff. But they didn't want to do that.<br><br><br>Okay, yea. I really wanted to do that. But they could have at least told me that they didn't. I could have compromised. But instead, they cancel all our plans. <br>Now, we're swimming at A's house. Which we always do. <br>I guess thinking out of the box is not their style. -_- They're the sitting around doing nothing type sometimes.<br><br>Okay, I'm done.
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