Alright so I have two pigs, and I share a pen with another FFA kid. We can call him "Ben".<br><br>So my two pigs share a pen with Ben's one pig. He buys every other bag of feed. (I'm paying him back... Well maybe not after what he's done..)<br><br>My pigs, along with his, are on the small size and one of mine might not make it to market weight now for the fair.<br>I buy them the highest protein percentage I can, 21.2%.<br>I didn't notice until this morning that Ben wasn't getting the right feed. (And I have reminded him several times which protein percentage to get..) He's been getting 18%<br><br>This would be why the pigs aren't gaining as much weight as they should be...<br><br>You have no idea how upset I am about this.. After paying $200 for my pigs to sell at the fair and finding out that one might not make weight thanks to someone else's mistake... Ugh.<br><br>This isn't even the first time he's done this.. He fed my pig ham.. And he has put milk in the automatic feeder, which clogged it. That thing is a pain in the butt to unclog.<br><br>He's my age, I don't get why he has no common sense though. We both also have the same amount of experience with this stuff. <br><br>Oh yea and let's not forget the time he almost killed my pig by putting bailing twine in the pen for the pigs to 'play with'... It was great fun to pull that out of my pigs throat to keep him from getting it caught in his intestines....<br><br>Honestly? Is this kid for real?! -.-
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