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If this happens Kiwi will never be the same...

edited July 2011 in Vent
As some know I'm spending the summer with my dad, which is why I'm not around alot. Well last night me and him were sitting on his and mine friends porch (he's friends with my friends parents) And out walks my brother and sister,they sit down beside us and my brother bluntly says. "Me and *younger sis name* want to move with you." My dad says okay and tells them to think about it over the summer. Instantly my eyes start to water and I just want to curl in a ball, the thought of my younger siblings moving kills me. <br><br>So there I am, dying inside... <br>I know who the one who started ( my brother) He goes inbetween wanting to live with my mom or living with my dad. A few months ago he got in a stupid fight with my stepdad and mom, and he said he wanted to move back. Though I hurt, deep down I knew he wouldn't, but then he got my sis to agree with him. WHich of course gives him the courage to go through with it....... <br><br>Me and my sis have lived together all her life, except for two years after my parents divorced. And me and her are tight...we've gotten much closer over this year, and me and my brother are tight too.... <br><br>Without isn't the same... I have my friends and everything and we are close... but its just not it... <br><br><br>I'm hurt and I just don't know what to do
SmiLe :)



  • I'd love to live with my dad too, but I'm the type of person that can't hurt peoples feelings, and plus I just couldn't leave my friends, its dificult to make new ones.... And my mom just well....isn't always stable since her sister passed. <br><br>Sadly enough, my bro leaving would hurt her more then me or my sis.... <br>He nearly died when he was a baby, so of course...its just like that...
    SmiLe :)

  • I feel your pain from the opposite side of that vent.. I'm the younger sibling and I'm moving about 6 hours away from my home (Was born and raised in east texas and never lived anywhere else. When i was two we bought a house that was right down the road from the current one and been living here ever since. Next month (August) i will be moving 6-7 hours from here with my boyfriend to work at his mother's restaurants (We will be the night managers there). I'm the younger sibling to my two older brothers. My mom has already told me that none of them want me to go.. but i really think its best for me =) Maybe try to think about it from your brothers point of view and see where he is coming from with wanting to move in with your dad =) it will all be okay *huggles*
  • Awe I sorries Garnet.... I wish you the best of all luck...<br><br>I guess I can see it in his way, I've lied with my mom and stepdad for nearly 8 years (not adding before the divorce) And since I've been here for so long I can't even think about moving and leaving all the people I've known. My brother on the other hand has lived with my dad for most of his life, and he has only lived with us for 1 year. So of course he'd miss the life he once had.. <br><br>*Huggies*
    SmiLe :)

  • Mhm! Just think, you can call him as often as you want and still go see him sometimes =D
  • Yea, last night me and my sis where talking....she kept saying that she would call me and all that..... <br>I ended up crying... <br><br>But if that's what they want, I can't stop them... :cry:
    SmiLe :)

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