I think I've developed asthma.. And it has terrified me. I went for a run, and lost my breath pretty quickly, then found it hard to get it back. I figured that I was just our if shape and needed to start exercising more. Then, I realized a tightness/pain in my shoulder. And today, a shortness of breath. I finally looked up asthma symptoms and they named two of those.. Shortness if breath and a tightness in your chest (of course, it isn't in my chest, but pretty close). <br><br>I want to tell my mom, but I'm terrified. In denial. I don't have any medical problems, and I saw a kid have an asthma attack. It wasn't pretty at all. Just.. Terrified. I am shaking wildly as I write this, with fear. Anybody here live with asthma or have anything to add?
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line