I dont really want to wast much time away from Cham, she's been bleeding, not doing to good, but were praying she'll be fine and not misscarriage all of the pups, be on in a few to update you on her status.
Thank you, sadly a mod deleted the picture and issued me a warning because it was to "tall". It's funny how I get into trouble for every little thing, when I see tons of people getting away with stuff. I've even gotten into trouble for something I didn't do and then told the mod and she/he apologized... sometimes being popular isn't a good thing, I'm stalked. -.- LOL .. Champagne is doing better now, she goes into labor any day now, the only part I dread is finding out just how many puppies she miscarriaged, some will be still borns. : (
Lol, I wondered if you would get in trouble for that! Of course they are stalking you! They are going to kid nap you! Lol, i should no I'm the leader of the group! You must be excited though!
Bleh.. it's going to be a bitter sweet kind of moment, turns out there maybe might be only five now.. I dunno, hopefully not that many have passed, hopefully none have passed, but the vet says that's a million to one shot. I don't understand how a dog can be expected to carry dead puppies to full term?? I wouldn't want to carry a dead baby inside of me until the time to give birth came... my mom understands all of this and whats going on, I'm still a little hazy to the situation.. I'm hoping for the best, and I know you are my stalker... you stalker you... O.O
I Keith Urban!