Okay, so I don't know how many people remember, but we were supposed to rescue a Rat Terrier. Sorry to say, it didn't work out between him and Clover. Or between him and us for that matter. <br><br>Although... We are getting another puppy! He's a Rottie/Lab/Retriever mix. They are only 1 week old now, but will be ready to go in August! Plus, as both parents are owned by my friends I have a very detailed history on both of them. <br><br><img src="http://img1.classistatic.com/cps/kj/110626/259r9/69568cc_19.jpeg" alt="http://img1.classistatic.com/cps/kj/110626/259r9/69568cc_19.jpeg" class="bb-image" />
What gives her the right to pick first!!! <br><br>Oh wait.... yeah. <br><br>lol<br><br>Well, they are ALL beautiful anyway. I'm sure the new addition will be fantastic no matter which.
S§A - Kitt's Training Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Breeding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Prestige Kennel
S§A - Kitt's Boarding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Rescue Kennel
S§A - Kitt's Training Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Breeding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Prestige Kennel
S§A - Kitt's Boarding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Rescue Kennel