Rescently i have learned about a puppy mill out in Jefferson, TX that had ALL Border Collies which in real life is my "breed of choice". Iv been reading about it and its HORRIABLE! They filed their teeth down so they wouldn't bite while breeding. They never had baths before in their life (BCs are long haired too), most were under or over fed, BCs are working dogs with tons off energy and they were living in tiny x pens and crates, they all had wire floors so they were standing on wire 24/7, they were all fithy, covered in urine and fecies, they were overbred, had tumers and deises, some even were missing limbs, and just horriable puppy mill conditions. In total they rescued 183 dogs but 16 were dead. It is just a horriable thing. A person i know a an 8 month old puppy she adopted from a rescue over there and had him shipped over here said that when she got him he wouldn't even stand he was so scared, he would just pee on him self when he had to go to the bathroom because he was to scared to move. Now he is able to walk around a socitlize a little bit but is still very fear full. I am planning to hopefully adopt one of the puppies that transported out to near where i live. He is a tiny red tri-color and i hope to get a picture off of pet finder to show you. It just makes me sad that people can be so mean and cruel. I am glad that they were all rescued though.
I litterly cried while watching videos of it.
S§A - Kitt's Training Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Breeding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Prestige Kennel
S§A - Kitt's Boarding Kennel|S§A - Kitt's Rescue Kennel
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line