I'm so sick and freaking tired of being used! I have this "friend" who I do everything in my ability to help. I don't mind helping her at all, but there are times that I feel like I'm just being used. Right now she's out of water, and asked if she could come to my house for a shower. Of course I told her she could. (That was last week). Since then I've noticed my dogs have been scratching like CRAZY! A little alarm in my head screamed FLEAS!! My friend literally has 10 Chihuahuas and atleast 15 cats, not even joking. And all of them are covered in fleas. So I'm guessing that my dogs got them from when she came to take a shower. I know she didn't purposefully infest us, but it still makes me mad. So this morning, at EIGHT in the morning, she shows up without calling, for another shower. First of all, she knows that I stay up all night, and don't get up until atleast 10 in the morning. I was far from impressed.<br>Chapter 2....<br>On July 1st she has a court date, for beating up her boyfriend. Friendly, right!? I was told by her that if I didn't go with her as support she "would never talk to me again, or help me ever again". Um first of all, I'M the one that helps her, she's never really helped me. Which doesn't matter because in a friendship I don't keep a toll of who's helped who and how many times. It just really irks me that she said it. <br><br>Ugh, I'll just quit now because I could keep ranting and ranting.