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Some New Events

Ok so I was looking around to events some of my dogs and I was thinking "there should be some new event types". Well I searched some things and found some events that Might interest other players.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Working Events</span><br><br>Bite Work Events- See's how much force you dog can bite. <br><br>French Ring Sport- dog sport involving jumps, obedience, and bite work<br><br>Guard of Object- Dog Guards object, A decoy tries to take the item three times. Points are lost for biting to soon, allowing the decoy to move or completely steal the object, being dragged away from the object, etc.<br><br>Earthdog- Underground Hunting<br><br>Water Race- Sent is placed on other side of River, the dog that gets to it first wins. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Show Events</span><br><br>Rally obedience- the team starts with 200 points, and the judge deducts points for mistakes and adds bonus points that can be earned for optional exercises<br><br><br>So this is what I came up with any input or events you will like to see I can add to the list!
My Kennel
First 8x4's Belgian Laekenois
First 9x4's Belgian Shepards
First 10x4 Australian Silky Terriers


  • Schutzhund basically covers bite force, french ring, and object guarding. The schutzhund phases are obedience (retrieve/jumping as well), protection (guarding, bite, hold, intelligent disobedience), and tracking (find suspect and hold/detain). I'm not quite sure if it judges based off of jumping and agility on here, but schutzhund in real life does. ^^<br><br>I do like the idea of adding rally obedience, earthdog, and the water race sounds neat too. :) Maybe even add these ones too? <br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Bikejoring/Skijoring</span> -- dogs pull their owners on bicycles, similar to mushing. Stats required: endurance, strength, speed<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Cani Cross</span> -- owners run with their dogs, kinda like cross country running but with dogs. Maybe even a 5th skill could be added to kennels for this; handler endurance? :P Stats required: endurance<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Sulky Driving or Carting</span> -- sulky driving is where the dogs pull a two wheeled cart that contains their owner. Carting is where they pull wheeled carts with items. Stats required: endurance, strength<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Treibball</span> -- Similar to herding, but you use 8 balls instead of sheep. Stats required: intelligence, speed<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Nose Work/Scent Detection</span> -- Could go along with tracking/schutz, but it emphasizes the dog's ability to recognize and notify it's owner on a very specific scent. Like dogs searching for substances and such, but in real life you could make it notify you upon the smell of, say, peanut butter. Stats required: intelligence
    On an indefinite hiatus.
  • I definitely would support the addition of more event types. Here's a couple more suggestions:<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Surf Dog</span> -- Judges on the dog's ability to ride a surfbaord/wave and its confidence in doing so.<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Storage Dog/Dog Packing</span> -- Essentially the dog is used as a pack animal, carrying bags similar to what a mule might carry, on long hikes. Would judge primarily on endurance.<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Scootering</span> -- Similar to bikejoring/skijoring, the dog pulls the owner on a non-motorized scooter.<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Hound Trailing</span> -- Similar to tracking, but groups of hounds compete against one another to determine which can reach the source of the scent fastest.<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Musical Canine Freestyle</span> -- Essentially handlers and their dogs performing choreographed routines to music, or "dancing" together competitively. For this another aspect of dogs (to join with size, build, etc) could be movement/style and/or personality.<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Speed Retrieve</span> -- Timed event where the dog leaps from a dock and swims to the far end of the pool to retrieve a bumper. As soon as the magnets on the toy detach the time is recorded. Fastest swimmer wins.<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Speed and Catch</span> -- Judges a dog's speed, distance and accuracy when catching discs. The field is sectioned off into different point-worth zones, with the farthest zones being the highest value. Handler and dog are allowed 60 seconds and a maximum of 12 throws in which to earn the most points. Every 4th disc thrown is worth double points. Highest score wins.
  • I support this 100%. Also i think that if a dog like trials in rally-o to novice hen does obedience for the rest of it eventing carrer it should be better then a dog that is just starting obedience because that is what rally-o was for, building blocks for obedience. Also if a dog starts with Treibball it would do better in herding. And so on an so forth. Ill add some dog sports latter too.
  • :arrow:
    My Kennel
    First 8x4's Belgian Laekenois
    First 9x4's Belgian Shepards
    First 10x4 Australian Silky Terriers
  • Dog High Jump. (will look the informtaion up soon, just lazy right now.)
    656 Gifties
  • Ooo Ooo! I figured I might do some research on the three events I like best that people have suggested.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Earthdog Trials:</span> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>- If this event was added, I think it should be a Terriers only event. Or medium-large dogs receive a huge penalty.<br>- Size, Speed, Intelligence & Courage would be most important, with Endurance and Aggression an advantage as well.<br>- Discipline & Working skills. Sport could be an additional help. Handler skill.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Rally Obedience:</span> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; <br><br>- Loyalty, Intelligence and possibly Hyper. Possibly Friendly.<br>-Discipline & Show skills. Sport could be an additional help. Handler skill.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dog Jump:</span> Unfortunately there isn't much information about this sport, but I'd like to give my own experience with it.<br>I haven't personally done it, but I used to go to -alot- of country town shows with my mum for her horses & I used to always disappear and watch the dogs. Basically the dog high jumping I watched was country dogs leaping over a large jump and onto the back of a ute or truck, probably so they didn't have to fall so far after they jumped. There were Kelpies, Cattle Dogs, German Shepherds, even a Greyhound.<br><br>- Strength, Speed, Hyper and Courage. Possibly Aggression.<br>- Discipline and definitely Sport skills. Handler skill.<br><br>I really hope we get some more events, VP needs new things!
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