For the past few months I've been tired all the time. I eat healthy, get plenty of sleep, etc, so it's not a lifestyle thing. I was on a medicine that's messed up my hormones and made me gain over 30 pounds, so more than likely that's probably what is causing this. I can sleep for close to 24 hours and still be tired when I wake up. Even when I'm not tired, I have no energy anymore. Which is kinda difficult because I have a one year old with insane amounts of energy. I also get migraines, pills I've been given for them work, but they knock me out. Today around noon, I had a headache, so I decided to lay down. My mother was watching my daughter, so I figured it wouldn't hurt if I passed out for like an hour. I wake up, and it's 7:30. And I'm <span style="font-style:italic">still tired</span>. Even though I got a full nights sleep last night. So now I just have to hope I can get everything done I needed to get done. *goes insane* bleh