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Might as well melt me

edited June 2011 in Vent
<img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">Check out the thermometer. <br><br>111 degrees F. That day it got to 117 degrees F.<br>Now I've lived here since I was born but sometimes the heat can just kill. . . Literally.<br>10 percent humidity with 0 percent cloudy. So pure SUN.<br>When you walk outside, the heat automatically goes to your skin and burns.<br>My place where I live is the hottest in the state and sometimes it just becomes sooooo irksome!!<br>All I'd like is a bit of clouds and maybe some light showers or a cool breeze every now and then. . . Please?!<br><br><br>Sorry, end of rant o.o haha</span></span>


  • Danngggg. Thank goodness they invented air conditioners!<br>We have an outside thermometer that connects inside to a thinger that tells us the temperature. And it doesn't say the temperature it just has two lines. -- <
    Like that.<br>The heat broke our thermometer that was meant to be outside -_-
  • Tuff_Girl wrote:
    Danngggg. Thank goodness they invented air conditioners!<br>We have an outside thermometer that connects inside to a thinger that tells us the temperature. And it doesn't say the temperature it just has two lines. -- <
    Like that.<br>The heat broke our thermometer that was meant to be outside -_-
    <br><br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">lmao My thermometer outside broke like 5 years ago too haha I just go by my truck.<br>Theres a heat warning this week right now. Nobody is suppose to go outside for very long.<br>A couple of my friends have actually had a heat stroke within the past couple of months.<br>Its very scary. I haven't had anything like that, thank goodness. But I will say this, sun burns are horrible here.<br><br>Oh! This one girl who life guards with my friend went to the river a few weeks ago and for 15 mins took off her shirt,<br>now she has burns on her stomach that blistered and such. I felt so bad for her. She showed me her bandages and said<br>she has to go see the Dr. here soon. . . Poor thing ):</span></span>
  • Ouch! That's terrible. I can't believe it only took 15 minutes! That is crazy. I've never had blisters or anything. My friend had to go to the doctor one time as well. He's very pale, so it was a disaster waiting to happen.<br>I've never had a heat stroke either, luckily.<br>We have humidity too. It makes everything 10x worse. It makes you feel all sticky and bleh.
  • I have a feeling we live in the same state ;) luckily I left for the summer lol. Has it been getting any better?
    Is quiting due to no time, anyone can contact me at my nonpersonal email
  • Tuff_Girl wrote:
    Ouch! That's terrible. I can't believe it only took 15 minutes! That is crazy. I've never had blisters or anything. My friend had to go to the doctor one time as well. He's very pale, so it was a disaster waiting to happen.<br>I've never had a heat stroke either, luckily.<br>We have humidity too. It makes everything 10x worse. It makes you feel all sticky and bleh.
    <br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">That's the one thing I'm glad we don't have much here. Humidity. I would just die D=<br>And yeah, I was shocked as well but when I saw the bandages on her stomach and remember the weather we've been<br>having lately, I totally believe her. I was driving with the windows rolled down and how the sun shines through on my leg under<br>the wheel. . . it burned within a couple of minutes! Not blister burn but it was a sun burn sure enough. . .</span></span>
  • Coconaur wrote:
    I have a feeling we live in the same state ;) luckily I left for the summer lol. Has it been getting any better?
    <br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">Hmmm, well if we do then no. Its only gotten worse. Since I posted this forum, I got into my truck and took another picture of the<br>thermometer and it was 121 I think. Idk, I have it saved on my phone. I'll have to upload it. *sigh* Once I got driving it went down to 118/119. . . </span></span>
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