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edited June 2011 in Praise for the Game
She's just amazing. As a friend, as a VP user, as a human. I missed her so much over her long 5 month leave! She'll be back now that school's out, and so I'm waiting for her to come on. <span style="font-size:50">you can say I have no life.</span> Hopefully she reads this! I've already scribbled all over her kennel page. O.o I'm sorry I didn't make one of these just for you sooner, Lele. But I have been wanting to. (: Thank you so much for everything you've done for me. From graphics, to layouts, to dogs, or trainings. Even letting me train on <span style="font-style:italic">your</span> kennel when mine ran out. I was almost going to say thank you for being a friend but uh...that sounds to much like I'm going to burst out in the Golden Girls theme song.. :shock: <br><br>With all my love,<br>Finley.


  • Ukelele always did really awesome training my dogs
  • -ehemthispostisntfocusingonhertrsiningskillsit'sfocusingonherjustbeingawesomeskillsthankyverymuch-
  • Finnyyyy! <33333 this is truly amazing. <br>I just don't know what to say. :D <br><br>I will treasure this post foreverrrrr.<br>You are such a great friend to have!<br><br>Thank you so much for being my friend and being awesome and writing this. <3<br>AllInTheName, thanks!! :) it means a lot to hear these things from both of you. <br><br><br>How awesome is this? I just cant get over it. ;] hahah.
  • Yes you <span style="font-style:italic">do</span> know what to say! I know this 'cuz you already called me bombastic today. ;D<br><br>JK, JK. :lol: <span style="font-size:10">heh, yeah.</span><br><br>Luffles you. I also wrote about you in another Praisie I made..<br><br>Yeah, you can say I've gone mad.
  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">I agree to this post (:</span></span>
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