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my idea

i noticed as a rescue kennel trying to find dogs to rescue that their is billions of playcash sitting in Banned accounts for many many years. for exsample their was a kennel that was banned since 2004 and it is now 2012 that kennel has over 400 mill on it. I think the game owner should have a account on vp's like a bank and move that play cash from accounts like my example to the vp bank account . then use that money to fund a program where the money gets put back into the vp community instead of just wasting away. i think the game own could use the money for like you get a certin amount of play cash once a month if you have loged in every day .. or even use to to fund players starting their kennels .


  • I would have to say no for three main reasons -- the economy, the "fairness ordeal", and the chance of the original user coming back to VP. I also believe this has been suggested before, but don't quote me on that..<br><br>The economy on VP is terrible, and that partially has to do with the fact there are dozens of users with large sums of playcash. How many people here have over 10 mil, and how many have over 100 mil? Lots of them. Adding giant sums of cash to the economy freely will just make the VPC worth less, so prices on some items will go up, and others will tank. VPC used to be so rare that goodie dyes went for 5-9 mil, and 1 year upgrades went for 15-25 mil. As more VPC is gained, the value of it declines. Now dyes are 20-25 mil and 1 year upgrades are 70-90 mil. That's a huge leap.<br><br>The fairness ordeal would come into play depending upon how the money was distributed. If it was handed out freely, as in everyone was given a chunk, there would be this giant debate, and we'd all start hearing things like "That's not fair s/he got any because s/he has more money than I do." or "I want/need/deserve more." When you give a large population something for free, they tend to want more and more. You get jealousy then coming into play, with people absolutely certain that there's some sort of hidden agenda going on, and that certain users get extra benefits. <br><br>* Just a note, I don't see why anyone would need an incentive to log on every day. My incentive is to check my messages, annoy my friends, and pretend I'm actually doing something with my free time. :P I'm sure everyone has their own incentives too -- talk to friends, train, further their lines, etc. Also, while it's tough, some of the new flourishing novices prove that it is possible to succeed with the original 50k. All it takes is some work and a pleasant attitude.<br><br>Now what if the original user comes back to VP? Some people have to leave because of illness, death in the family, natural disasters, no internet, moving, etc. I know I'd be fairly angry if I couldn't play VP for 6+ months and came back to no dogs and all of my hard earned money was gone. You never know when someone is going to return, and while they might not remember everything they had, they're not going to be happy to come back to a completely wiped out account. Accounts aren't deleted for this reason, so they shouldn't be wiped of their cash for this reason either.
    On an indefinite hiatus.
  • I would also like to point out that in many, if not most, cases of long term bans, the money was "earned" by cheating which is what caused the player to be banned in the first place. It should never have been in the economy to begin with.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • i was talking about kennels that player whould never come back like permit banned players <br><br>i agree on giving players money it be chaos <br><br>i desagree on you saying it devalues the game <br><br>if you look at this you cant keep making the money that is what truly devalues the game becouse that comes out of game owners pocket each and every time a kennel is made <br><br>but if you take that money from accounts that will never ever be used and reput it in the game for new kennels that is less cost to game owner becouse the playcash already exist <br><br>letting it just sit in a kennel that will never ever be used becouse they are banned for ever is what i think devalues the game
  • Putting more free virtual money in to the game means that people have more virtual money, especially those who are here a while because they are usually the ones who know how to make money. This makes the prices go up because people can charge more for things and get it. Where a year ago, you could buy an import for 20K, because there is more money in the game, this year it might cost 40K. That means the value of the VP dollar is worth less or is devalued. A dollar is worth half as much as it was a year ago. It's called inflation. When prices go up, it means newer players have to work longer in order to afford anything with game cash, usually meaning they give up playing because they can't get any of the perks.<br><br>Permanently banned players that had a lot of money are usually players that are banned for cheating and there aren't very many of them. Most of the accounts that are banned are not permanent. The money they got more than likely came from stripping hundreds of kennels. Money that wouldn't be in the game unless a hundred more players were playing. If there weren't hundreds more players, the money would not and should not be in the game. Money that is not circulating does not affect inflation one way or the other. The money on those banned kennels does not make things cost more or less and if it was released into circulation, it would make prices go up.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
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