So I showed my horse yesterday and the Judge didnt watch me half way through my Trail class, She didnt place me fair. She treated me and my horse diffrent cause my horse isnt a stock horse. She was a compleat un-fair judge. They had 14 and up classes and there were people in there 70s showing with 14 year olds I dont think its fair! I should have placed in bareback cause me and her did really good but nope I didnt. Im happy I went to the show I had fun riding, I just wish I could have placed! I mean I did place in 4 classes out of 10-15 classes. My mom paid $50 for me to show and yeah I didnt even place that great. I got 2nd in one class, 4 in another, and 6 in 2 other classes. It was compleatly stupid and we dont plan on showing there again!
My real life horse! (:
I Keith Urban!
My real life horse! (:
My real life horse! (: