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2 oak Gifty for auction- ENDED

edited June 2011 in Auction
<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; ErR Desdemona is for auction, 2 of a kind, I will be keeping the other for my own. Neutered and named, no training (check out the birth aggro). 9x4 w/ hyper at birth 103.2. I will accept vp cash or a trade for an approved 2 oak or 1 oak gifty (only if I like the color). I will NOT accept trainings as a form of payment as I train all my own dogs. I will offer a free training of any kind for ErR Desdemona for the person who purchases her. <br><br>The color: Shakespearean tragedy w/ moon tips + plot twist <br>Starting bid: 4 million<br><br>Thanks!

350k for ALL long grooms! Other prices on page


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