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Winner's Posted!

Okay so i really want an awsome amazing banner, and i want to see if anyone has what it takes :)<br><span style="color:#00FF00"><span style="text-decoration:underline">PRIZES!</span></span><br>1st. 1.5 mil + 3 free unnamed dogs of your choice from my kennal, i'll use your banner in my kennel.<br>2nd. 60k + 2 free unnamed dog of your choice, from my kennel<br>3rd. 10k + 2 free dog of your choice from my kennal (unnamed)<br><br>First Place:<span style="color:#FF00FF">Lucy6 </span>Second Place: <span style="color:#40BFFF">Binzie Girl </span>Third Place:<span style="color:#FF0000">Pumpkinpony</span><br>Great Entries Everybody!! :mrgreen: Loved all the banners.<br>First, Second and Third Places please message me! <br><br><span style="color:#FF00FF">Please note second and third banners will be used in my other kennels! :)</span>


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