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Horseback riding

edited June 2011 in Vent
I love horseback riding. I hate flies. Last Sunday when I was riding, I got like 10 fly bites on my left leg, 2 on my right, and two on my hand. The next day later, my left leg looked deformed. I was wearing shorts, but I didn't get hurt by the saddle at all. <br>Reba,as soon as I got on her, thought, hey, lets try to get her off me. She turned around and started walking. I have never got to walk on my own, cause I just started a few months ago, and I only ride on Sundays. Well, at the bridge she turned around, and started trotting back. I graped the horn, and was calm. Once again, Reba turned around and started walking back. Well, this time, she went over the bridge. She started trotting after the bridge, and when I said, "Whoa" and pulled back on the reins, she started doing a fast trot,under low branches. I almost fell off,but I laid back on the saddle. I didn't get hurt though.<br>Oh yeah, and if my cousin gets enough money, she's going to get a wagon, so we can go on the trail. And she is trying to find an Native Arabian Horse Costume for sell, so I can enter shows. <span style="font-size:50">If you know of one for sell, under 700$ and some shade of blue, please pm me</span>


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