just breed 10x4s yay!The dog is this one: <a href="http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1932791" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1932791</a>. The will come nutered but untoched other wise.Also the winner will have to give me the name because my brand(^Mac^) will have to go in front of the name.Now to the prices:<br><br>HB-3.5millon-Aziu<br>SB-1millon<br>MBI-500k<br>BIN-6millon(not really will lower slowly)<br><br>thanks and happy bidding
Oops! Just looked at the dog and forgot to look at all of the description- specifically the "will come neutered" part. Sorry but I will have to retract my bid. :oops:
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My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
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My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314