player name (in game): silentecho<br>colour: shaggy pale brown hair w/ shattered blue eyes and monster hat<br>dog link:<br>how many: One, then i will eventually breed. And only sell to certian people.<br>why should i get the dye?: because being a novice i can't afford to buy a dye off another player, and in real life i don't have a credit card and my mom dosn't trust the computer. And i have a list of giftie dyes i want to someday make, i made the list when i first started playing. And i want to collect gifties when i'm a sponser kennal.
Player name (In game): Astronomy.<br>Colour: Forever Chained w. Heavy Paws & Drooping Head<br>Dog link: <a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>How many will there be of this colour?: One, and only one.<br>Why should you get the dye?: I would like to start a giftie collection. I've never had my own color before, I would like to finally be able to have one. I love wolves, and having a white wolf giftie would be amazing to me. xD<br><br>Thats about it. Thank you for having this thread, its really nice to see people being generous. Good Luck everyone!
2nd entry<br>Player name (In game):silentecho<br>Colour: heart full of memmories w/ the last bit of hope fadeing away<br>Dog link:<br>How many will there be of this colour?:1, but i will breed once before it retires<br>Why should you get the dye?:because being a novice i can't afford to buy a dye off another player, and in real life i don't have a credit card and my mom dosn't trust the computer. And i have a list of giftie dyes i want to someday make, i made the list when i first started playing. And i want to collect gifties when i'm a sponser kennal.
this is really awesome of you, thank you. <br><br>player name (in game): nix II<br>colour: fallen angel w/ tattered wings and cracked halo<br>dog link: <a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a> (or maybe a new import ..)<br>how many: it will be three of a kind max.<br>why should i get the dye?: i'll be honest, i really don't need this dye. it'd be nice to have, of course, but it's really not something that's vital to my game play on vp. when i was really into this game, i had two of my own colors and they were one of a kind until i had to quit. i sold my kennel with my line and gifties to someone i thought i could trust. i came back to find that person no longer playing the game and my colors bred a few times (one isn't even possible, i don't understand...). now, they're floating around in some player's resuce/giftie collection and i'm not really able to get them back. i've tried to contact said players but i've either gotten no response or a negative one in not wanting to part with the color. i just wanted a new one so i can love it and cherish and all that other fun stuff. that sounds really cheesy but yeah..
this person cant get on forums-<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Player name</span> (In game):poppomgirl <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Colour:</span> white fur,golden heart,with every prancing step <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dog link:</span> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">How many will there be of this colour?:</span>1 never more <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Why should you get the dye?: </span>its in memory of my dog kenya who i got when i was 2 and she was 7 weeks old she lived to 15 but passed away a couple days ago and its breaking my hear and we barely have enough money for rent so i cant get one and just really want a dog on here in remembrence of her
Player name (In game): K9-Five<br>Colour: Sonnet in Faded Navy Ink on Yellowing Parchment<br>Dog link: Dog is unmade - I have an unmade import and will make a female Silken Windhound<br>How many will there be of this colour?: Never more than 5, maybe less depending on the offers I get<br>Why should you get the dye?: I'm responsible with my colors. I am a gifty collector but I had to take a break this summer and gave my entire collection away. Over the last few months I have managed to get a new collection of 94 dogs built up - but I used to have over 200. This would give me a chance to get a new color, and sell some pups (the profit from which would allow me to expand my collection further). Thanks so much for this generous giveaway - we all appreciate it!<br><br>PS - can we enter more than 1 color?
Player name (In game): K9-Five<br>Colour: Triple Dog Dare<br>Dog link: I will make a female Utonagan import<br>How many will there be of this colour?: 3<br>Why should you get the dye?: I have a male Utonagan that I made a long time ago, colored Blinding White w/ Black Star Marking that I've always wanted to make a female for. I've had this color in mind for a long time, and I'd be very very glad to finally have the opportunity to make another Utonagan gifty - I kind of want them to my signature breed, even though I'm a collector. Thanks so much for considering me! Twice!
Player name (In game):Niscus<br>Colour:All white w/ brood muscles, Big Loveing Heart , one right ear & a Torn off Scared , Left ear. <br><br>Dog link:<br>How many will there be of this colour?: 1 maybe 2 because the persin that gives me the dye may get one<br>Why should you get the dye?: a book inspired me to get this colour the book is calle oogy the dog only a family could love. The dogo in this story was used as bait for fighting pitbulls but was given a second chance in life by a veternarian who refused to give up on him, and a heartful owner (Larry Levin) Who decided to give the dog another chance
Player name (In game): <a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Verlorene</a><br>Colour: [1]<span style="font-weight:bold">Ethereal Azure /w Sanguine Evanescent Wings</span><br>[2]<span style="font-weight:bold">Imperial Vermillion Hue /w Incandescent Wings</span><br>Dog link: <a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url">[click]</a><br>How many will there be of this colour?: 2-3 max <br>Why should you get the dye?: This would be the first gifty added to my collection. I wanna start adding to <br>my treasure chest. ^__~
hollyleaf i decide on the colour beacuse i have read a book about a dogo that was used as bait for fighting pitbull but was then given a second chance by a vet
Player name (In game):*Mysterous Love*<br> Colour:Palomino w/ Pink Collar & White Paws<br> Pink Lillys w/ Rainbow Collar & White Veil<br> Dog link:depends which color you use <br> How many will there be of this colour?:only 1 or 2<br> Why should you get the dye?:Idk lol :P
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