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They're everywhere! D;

edited May 2011 in Vent
And no, I'm not talking about the damn demon spawned stink bugs. >.> Atleast not this time..<br>It's the ghosties! D; Lately the shadows things have been popping up more often again, and now I'm seeing and feeling some weird..glowing stringy things. o-o I don't know what they are and they're scaring me D;<br>I almost three myself against the wall beside my bed in the past hour because one flew right beside my head..I don't approve of this..I'd rather it just be the shadow things, coz atleast they don't touch me! ;;<br>But short, but serious rant. I understand that some of you that don't believe in the ghosties will suggest I'm hallucinating..especially since it's 2.20 in the morning and I've had a long day..and I respect that, but you don't need to speak opinions that could make me feel bad about it or such. :3 I trust that no one on this forum would do that (atleast I hope), but I just figured I'd say so..since I'm personally freaked out and can't fall asleep.(:<br>I hope everyone else is having a lovely day/night/morning/evening though :D<br><br>Anywho-discussion about paranormal/supernatural is welcome to the thread. ^^<br>I love hearing stories from others, lol.


  • Well, this shall probably make people think I'm crazy, but eh, who cares. When I was around 3 we lived in this old, white farmhouse that was rented from a man my mother knew. He'd lived there before he rented it out. One of the bedrooms had all my toys and such in it, we called it the playroom. One day I ran screaming to my mother, saying there was a man in there, watching me. She ran in with me following, looked around, and told me there was nobody in there, I shouldn't tell lies. I looked up at her and said "duh, he's not in there, he passed you in the hall". She made me describe the man, and the description exactly matched the owner of the house, who'd died not to soon before in a tractor accident. I'd never met him, so I had no clue what he looked like. And, it turned out that my playroom had been his bedroom.
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