Okay so Ive always said <span style="font-style:italic">Chestnut w/ Flaxen</span> but now people tell me that its <span style="font-style:italic">Sorrel w/ Flaxen</span> so which is it REALLY? LOL.
<span style="font-size:90">It doesn't matter. Chestnut and Sorrel are exactly the same. xD<br>Though, some people do say that Sorrels have more red in their coat than a Chestnut..but it doesn't really matter, as they're the same gene from what I've been told.</span>
Ok lol cause I thought about it and C'more was lighter then my friends Chestnut and I thought <span style="font-style:italic">hmm maybe their right.</span> lol so I can still call C'more Chestnut w/ Flaxen lolz.
<span style="font-size:90">He was a sweetie when I saw him yesterday, and he didn't do anything wrong aside from his occasional nipping that he does when he's looking for a treat. I lunged him a little and he's still lame..I still have no clue what made him go lame, nor how long it's going to take until he's off stall rest and back in working condition..<br>I'm probably going to end up leasing Lucky instead though..because I just don't have the money to pay for a lame horse that I can't ride. I'm pissed that all the training and work I've put into him thus far is going down the drain..<br>I'm taking Luck to a show this saturday...so hopefully she'll do decently with me and I'll just end up leasing her and have to work on her kicking issues. >.> <.< I'm going to have to take my crop, I think... *sigh*<br>And yeah..look the same to me. xD<br></span>
<span style="font-size:90">Mhm.(: Thanks, lol. And yeah.<br>I'm doing:<br>Barrels<br>Poles<br>Keyhole<br>Down and Back<br>Relay Race (with Drew on Pistol)<br>Flag Race<br>and possibly something else..not positive yet. I might toss poles though, because they make me dizzy and I haven't done them in forever. xD Let alone on a crazy horse. o-o;<br>And aight </span>
<span style="font-size:90">All the other horses are already being leased. xD<br>Lucky's the only one left because of the fact that she's not usable for anyone except a more advanced rider..since well, she's crazy. xD<br>I would lease Poco over Lucky, but she's saving him to be leased by one of the other leaser's little sisters..and then I'd have to worry about her using him for a lesson when I planned on riding him.. bleh. </span>
<span style="font-size:90">Lol, I can deal. I wouldn't have an issue with how crazy she is if she didn't kick, but she does and I don't particularly enjoy being shoved forward every chance she gets to let out a kick..I'd never have a relaxed trail ride. <br>But then again..Sox isn't being leased..but I refuse to lease him, I wouldn't run him at a show for anyone's money. o-o He's truely evil, swear. lol He gave Drew more bruises than he should've gotten in 10 years in just one show season when he rode him last year.<br>And Skippy's about to die..and Izzy is on his way to being sold/given away, and he doesn't do running, he falls xD he can just do pleasure. Which I'd rather not do, haha.</span>
<span style="font-size:90">Lol, I can deal. I wouldn't have an issue with how crazy she is if she didn't kick, but she does and I don't particularly enjoy being shoved forward every chance she gets to let out a kick..I'd never have a relaxed trail ride. <br>But then again..Sox isn't being leased..but I refuse to lease him, I wouldn't run him at a show for anyone's money. o-o He's truely evil, swear. lol He gave Drew more bruises than he should've gotten in 10 years in just one show season when he rode him last year.<br>And Skippy's about to die..and Izzy is on his way to being sold/given away, and he doesn't do running, he falls xD he can just do pleasure. Which I'd rather not do, haha.</span>
<br>awh..did you post pics of Sox? lol. <br>Awh poor Skippy!! <br>lol why dont you do pleasure?
L, actually I'm not sure I even have pics of Sox...so no, I haven't posted any lol<br>And eh..it'd probably be better if he just died..his arthritis isn't so subtle anymore since he's sitting in the field, and he's been losing weight again..<br>I don't really like pleasure xD I planned on doing a class or two with Dude just so he can be "trained" as basically an allaround western horse, but that's it lol