I will be slave training a total of 200 years (grooming or rhing/ or a combination). I will only be training for you, inless I have ran out of contracts and am bored. I cant say how much I can average each day, as every day is different according to school and the lag on vp. But I can get a bunch of years done within a day. Decoys will count as two years for each year I do on them.<br>I have 100 in training, at this kennel: <a href="http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=kennel/view&id=205233" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=kennel/view&id=205233</a> (I am using the kennel for the time being, its actually not mine. But I have permission to use it) Money will be sent to lilly waters, while dogs to the kennel above. <br>Referances:<br>whiney<br>simm<br>shameh<br>lyc<br>clo<br>(need more, ask?)<br><br>Training examples:<br><a href="http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=877625" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=877625</a><br>(ask for more, I will go digging up more if need be)<br><br>SB- 1 mill<br>HB- 17.5 mill by <br>+ Maitre + <br><br><br> <br><br><br><br>BIN- 50 mill
Bidding info updated<br><br><br>Im hoping to end this in this next week or so, I hoping that bids get at least high enough (Im hoping for around 10 mill +). But maybe Im thinking thats to high, we will see. But it will def be over by next friday, as I have the long weekend to train.
Ended Maitre wins!<br><br>Please follow what to do on the first page, where to send everything. Also message me here and we can arrange everything. I can get started right away.<br><br>I dont know what you want to do money wise, giving it after or whatever, but we can talk about that.
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Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!