Save them to your desktop. Unzip the file (usually requires winzip or something alike). Once it's unzipped, take the file that shows up and:<br><br>go to Computer > (your hard disk drive) > Program files > GIMP > Share > GIMP > (what version it is) 2.0 > brushes. And then drag it to the 'brushes' folder and voila! Done!
I do this a little differently <br><br>Make a new folder in My Documents (I named mine GIMP Brushes)<br>Save all your unzipped brush files in there.<br><br>Open GIMP<br>Edit>Preferences>Folders>Brushes<br>Click the icon that looks like a blank piece of paper<br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br>Find your brush folder<br>When it has been added to the list, make sure its box is checked.<br><br>Restart GIMP.<br><br>Your brushes should now appear in your program.<br><br>This is also what I do for Fonts.<br><br>(:
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!