I HATE MY DAD. He is the worst dad in the entire universe. So, I wanted to go to the barn today because even though it's mother's day, my mom is in a bad mood. For those of you that don't know, seeing my pony is more important to me than everything. I love him more than my parents and I am NOT kidding. So my dad says he will bring me to the barn because I want to go see my frends and pomy. He likes to do that so he can make me upset. So just as we are about to get in the car, he goes. "Nevermind." and I go, what? "Oh, well I don't want to take you anymore" So I get out of the car and start crying because I am not having a good day. This morning we went out with my mom to the farmers market and it was closed so she yells: "You ruined my mother's day!!!" To me. That got me crying and then my dad, being the jerk he is, does that. So I am really upset because of all that's happening so I go out on my bike to the lake because I have no one to take me to the barn and get a migrane. So I ride back home and my dad screams at me: YOU ARE GROUNDED FROM THE BARN FOR A WEEK FOR LEAVING WITHOUT TELLING ME!<br>I am now not aloud to come out of my room crying barely able to type this and not aloud to go see my pony which is what I need right now and I hate my dad.