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Two-faced people

edited May 2011 in Vent
My friend and I are so annoyed. Our other "friend" has been really two-faced lately. When I am alone with her, she is nice. She asks me to come places during study hall with her because she doesn't want to go alone, or asks me to be her partner for a project. However, she started hanging out with the cheerleaders of our school, and because of it, she thinks she is so cool and popular. She always talks to them about cheerleading and different moves and stuff. She knows a lot about every topic, and has to jump in and correct you about everything. But just because she knows a lot about it does not make her a cheerleader. <br><br>So, like I said, when I'm with her alone, she's nice. When we're around a bunch of other people, she's a total (you know what.) She makes rude comments without even thinking about it. Sometimes she says she was just kidding, but she always seems pretty serious to me. My friend and I are getting tired of it. The other day she kept accusing my friend of doing the project wrong in tech. She calls me dumb, and makes racist jokes all the time. She's Asian, and always says asians are better and smarter then everyone else. Then if someone else says something about Asians, even if it's positive, she accuses <span style="font-style:italic">them</span> of being racist. <br><br>The other day in gym, another friend got up and I took her seat on the bleachers, just to be funny. She came back joking around, telling me to give her the seat, and this girl goes "Yeah, Luvy, move. I'd much rather sit next to her than you." Then a few minutes later she says she was only kidding! It confuses and annoys me. She contantly talks about her closest friends behind their backs. She even admited that she wasn't sad at all about her best friend moving out of state. I just wonder what she says about me when I'm not there. I witness her being nice to someone one minute, then making a rude comment about them when they can't hear her. <br><br>I don't know whether to be friends with her or not. Her attitude constantly changes depending on who she's with. <br><br> :x
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  • I had a best friend exactly like this. She was nice to my face but was really rude otherwise. Eventually it got to the point where she was actually lowering my other friend's self esteem by telling her, "You have no curves at all." She was hurt by those words. She called me names when she didn't get her way but then later said, "I was just kidding," even though her tone was not at <span style="font-style:italic">all</span> joking, she was dead serious.<br><br>Two years later, I am no longer her friend. I tried to tell her what she was doing and why it was wrong and nobody liked her behavior multiple times, but she always turned it around and began calling me names like hypocrite, (you know what), and two-faced. I gave up on trying to stay friends with her and just stopped hanging out with her alltogether.<br><br>If a friend is making you feel uncomfortable because of their behavior or "too-good-for-you" attitude, I don't think it's worth it to stick around. You could confront her and see how that goes. If it goes badly, I'd just stop hanging out with her if it's still bugging you.<br><br>As for the "racist" remarks... I think the better word would be "prejudice," but I could be wrong.
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