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Real-Life Greyhound Owners?

Anyone on here that owns a Greyhound/Italian Greyhound or knows somebody that does?<br><br>I'm looking into getting on in the future and although I've read a lot, wanted to know what they're like from someone who knows. I read that they don't bark that much (which would be awesome, I have two dogs that bark a lot already).<br><br>What are their personalities/behavior like? I know they're not good with smaller animals (well, most anyway).


  • My uncle owns four retired racing greyhounds. They're pretty good dogs, nosy and somewhat hyper, and they have bad habits of chasing anything that moves quickly (including children), but they were pretty good overall.
  • Yeah, they sound like overall a good breed.<br>I'd imagine racing greyhounds are a little different from pet ones, too. Have they ever attacked any small children or animals?
  • They've gotten a couple lizards, but where my uncle lives there aren't many small animals to get, and they don't get out often enough to attack small children. He has to be super careful to keep the gates and doors closed though, because they will bolt if they get the chance.
  • Okay. =) Thanks for the info. I have five rabbits and three rats (plus a little dog), so I'm wary about ever getting a Greyhound until my smaller animals are no longer with me. If it is possible to get one with the small animals I have, it'd be great, but I'd only be getting one PROVEN to be good with them.
  • There's a greyhound rescue somewhat near me that actually has a ton of small animal friendly Grey's. They're all retired or otherwise dumped Greyhounds, and most of them require very minimal care. They're not really an endurance breed, so letting them out to run once or twice a day will satisfy a large majority of them. <br><br>This is one of the most helpful organizations that I know of. <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; They even have information written on Greyhounds and interacting with small animals and children. Out of the 7 dogs they have listed for adoption, only 3 of them are not small animal friendly. <br>
    <br>Just like any large breed dog, some greyhounds will chase small animals in the house. In fact, only about 10-15% of greyhounds are truly not safe living with small animals.<br>
    <br>Just because a dog is fine with small animals inside, does not mean they can play outside safely with small animals. <br>
    <br><br>Obviously the small animal interaction would be common sense and goes for any breed. Don't leave them unsupervised, don't rush the introductions, and don't tense up thinking there would be a negative reaction. As their website says, some dogs see the world in a different perspective once they're outside of the house. The might see a wild rabbit darting across the street and the first instinct is to give chase. My own Lab/hound mix is that way outside, but inside she's perfectly fine with anything I've tossed at her - rabbits, ferrets, kittens, etc.<br><br>Many Greyhound rescues, especially for retired racers, want to make sure the Greys find permanent homes. All reputable ones will do the behavioral testing and will make sure that they are what they say they are. I know a lot of Greyhound rescues charge a lot, with some up to $350+, but you will know what you're getting and you'll have their lifetime support.
    On an indefinite hiatus.
  • Thank you for all the information! I wish I actually lived nearby to be able to get a greybaby there. Dx But if I'm really set on getting one, I know I can wait long enough to either a) travel to go get one once funds are raised or b) the perfect one shows up nearby.<br><br>Again, thank you so much!
  • Had a talk with my parents about it and they're thinking about bring a greyhound home in a few years. I'm eager to wait that long as my rats probably won't be around any longer by then (only supposed to live four years or so) =\ but it'd be a better situation for a greyhound then. Plus, my rabbits will be grown by then & in an outdoor, SECURE rabbit hutch (we already have a dog that's "iffy" around smaller animals so we're making sure to make it completely dog-proof already anyway).
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