Uh..<br><br>Another Dimension<br>Look At Me<br>Ladies' Man<br>Go For It<br><br><br>If you don't like these, I'll add more. I just came up with these right now. I actually have a list though of about 50 names. every time I think of a nice name, i add it to my list to use. I can give you some ones from there if you'd like.
Finny - Oh! I like Another Dimension, I would love more name suggestions if you don't mind though<br><br>Myst - Oh wow, I hadn't thought of that, that's actually a good idea
Oh! Okay....<br><br>Here I Come (Dunno about this one)<br>Definite Might (definitely might, etc. I thought this sounded cool, because it has two meanings. Might like ot might happen definitely or might as in he's definitely mighty)<br>Eternal Nightmare (there's a lot of ways you could go with this one)<br>Bad Boy<br>Come With Me (Follow Me, etc.)<br><br><br>None from my list fit the dark, mysterious, tough theme so I came up with these. Hope you like them!
For Cha Ching:<br>Get it trained<br>Event it like freaking CRAZY<br>And stud it out for $123456789009876543321<br><br>LOL<br><br>Yeah, I actually prefer Living Nightmare, if you don't use it I will. lol. *goes and writes it down*
I Keith Urban!