My cousin has finally convinced my dad to let him show Brown Swiss. Brown Swiss are one of the few things that are just mine, I don't share with my cousins, I can be proud of how I do.. I don't have a cousin I need to do just as good as or do better, to get noticed by my grandma. I'm always competing with the dogs with my cousins Dylan and Devon, I put a point on Parker and Dylan gets breed with her dobbie... I get a puppy group 1st with Parker, Devon gets a group 1 with her whippet. I'm always competing with them. I answer the phone for her all the time in the summer and last summer person asked for my grandma, I say "No she isn't home right now, but this is her granddaughter Wheaty can I take a message." They replied with "She's never mentioned having a granddaughter named Wheaty." It hurt I cried after I hung up the phone. I still have my goats, but now my grandma is pushing me to allowing my cousin to show goats too. "You have two you could show you're leaving home, why not let him show." BECAUSE GRANDMA THEY ARE MINE! I don't have to compete to get my grandmas attention with them. My placing 10th of 11th is noticed, and she's proud. I don't want to lose that little bit of her being proud.