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Heights, anyone? In gym we do this thing called project adventure, and basically they turn the class into a team and do activites to make us trust each other, then make us climb stuff. Well. I've been up the rock walls, fine. Those were kind of fun. I climbed a rope ladder, then hung on the rafter. And did this thing called the vertical playground, though, I went to the second beam and refused to climb higher. But now.. Now we have to climb up to this platform, then jump off and try to catch a trapeze. You have a upper body harness and lower body harness on, but still. I belayed, and it was scary.


  • wow in a way that would be fun if you knew how to do it :P
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Cool, we do project adventure too! But the games aren't nearly as exciting as yours. We did getting the team across the gym with a little scooter, without touching the ground, carrying a pop bottle on a tiny platform with a bunch of ropes, crawling through a giant rope spider web without touching the ropes. <br>Those things sound really fun, but scary!
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