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edited April 2011 in General Discussion
Yes, when I have two very special people I must make different posts for them. xD<br><br>Emme, you already know what you are to me. You are number one on my VP list. xD <br><br>You deserve your own thread because it's not easy to get through to me like how you do. You are awesome, and I think the section I wrote about you in my kennel is sufficient enough to explain how much I wuffles you xD


  • :mrgreen: I wuffles you back too!!!!! And you can tell because I don't feel the horrible need to smack you when you say wuffles! Sorry I'm a gramaticly correct person when some one say cuttededed. But I WUFFLES you so much even if my iPod keeps changing wuffles to waffles! That's love there! And... Well I don't no if there is a word limit on here so I might want to stop while I can!!! YOU ARE JUST AMAZING!!! And I LOVE em n em!!!!!!!!
  • Em N Ems are my favorite! I had to call you that you little chocolate candy piece thingy you!! xD ANYWAY.. WE are going to reach the first 10x4 Tosas emme.. I just decided today. Still grounded??
  • NO! t only lasted like 2 days! My mom can't ground which is ok with me!<br><br><br>One one conditions! You make my avatar work!
  • Ok, just tell me what the problem is dear. xD
  • I put in the code and its like No! this i wrong! and ya i can't make it work because i planned on adding one till i got the one your makeing me!
  • Never mind i did it!!!!!!!!!!! Look its working! In your face you dumb dinosaure computer i WIN!
  • It is working! And our thread was moved from praise to here.. I told you we're not supposed to discuss in praise!!
  • Emme is amazing! Emme, even though i just started talking to you, you have been helpful with dog agilty training and fun to talk with!
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Stay away from my emme!!! JK. You know she's trained I think.. about 30 dogs for me for FREE so far?? And shes always willing to do more. Em N Em gives me more then I could ever even hope for when it comes to VP. She's A M A Z I N G.
  • :shock: im not just genral dicussion! lol, no! But there is enough of me to go around!<br><br>Why wouldn't i train your dogs for free? i like helping you, its fun!
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