Hey, y'all! I'm new and don't really know what I'm doing. Ask Patty, she knows ALL about it! I am too stupid! If somene could message me to help me I would appreciate it! Thanks!!<br><br>Doggielvr
Gah! You're talking over my role of personal helper! Although it is always good to hear from other people to..and their suggestions. Esspecially when you have to take instructions from Patty.
Gah! You're talking over my role of personal helper! Although it is always good to hear from other people to..and their suggestions. Esspecially when you have to take instructions from Patty.
<br><br>Oh..not to mention, when they can't type correctly. And you have to read what they say message after message after...you get the point.
Always nice to see people join. : ) <br><br>You should probaly get to know me, everyone knows me. xD<br><br>The names hicklebonkerina... nice to meet you.
lol..fine fine..you should get to know me because everyone knows me, I'm: ZYNDALEE (real name).. or zynny, or zing, or zyn, or zynnywynny, or super z...seriously I have so many nicknames from everyone else it gets confusing even for me. But anywho, I love seeing new people join! It makes me feel like VP and the forums aren't dead! (though they are).. new people help us!! : ) I also have a bunch of give aways running all the time, so if you ever need help with money or you just want a little something extra, you can go to those. Do you like writing?? I'm having a writing contest with prizes!! (sorry I talk a lot) Oh, and of course, for help you can PM me whenever you need it, I'm always online.. because I have no life.. (just playing!)
Goals: 13/50million VPC